Monday, October 14, 2013

General Wolfe Reports

If you go back to August 15th, you'll see a post that I made entitled "Promotions and Appointments". Maybe it was: Appointments and Promotions but in either event, I have to make another one. I'm promoting Colonel Wolfe to Brigadier General.

At the moment, I'm not sure what kind of decision he will make as it relates to who will end up as the Commanding Officer of Ft Wolfe Pennsylvania but I will leave that up to him as he's in a much better position to make that decision than I am. While I'm dealing out the promotion cards, I think I will also make him a Corp Commander and have him take the position of point man to appoint other Colonels in his command area.

Yesterday, Colonel Dupuy, a French name that is pronounced Doo Pwee, reported from the Gilbert Café which is across the street from one of the Patriot's Cabins. He is the guy I mentioned earlier in some of my reports and I've been good friends with him since high school. He's a hefty 6'9" tall bad boy who sometimes describes himself as 5' 21" tall. Yesterday marked the second trip he's made to Gilbert and he is totally convinced that is the best possible place for all of us to meet. After all, if it was good enough for the Younger Brothers to hide there when the law was after Jessie James and his associates, it ought to be good enough for us.

I'm happy to report that he visited with the owner yesterday and while doing so, put her on the phone to me. She has offered "The Razorback Room", one of several dining rooms at the Gilbert Café, as a meeting room for all who can attend the meeting. You can see that particular room by going to Google and typing in Gilbert Café Arkansas Face book.

I think I need to appoint her as the Commanding Officer of Ft. Jernigan Arkansas. Jernigan is her maiden name but I'm using that because her father was a graduate from Marion Military Institute and a real hero from the Second World War.

We already have another woman in our group and she was promoted to Colonel, too. Her name is Lisa Jawar and she works with Colonel Waylon Malmay in the radiation department at the VA. I believe she is the Chief of Staff for The Patriot Cabin Medical Services but I will have to get with Colonel Malmay to make sure.

If you look back to some of the pictures posted here, she is one of the two blonds kissing me on the cheek when I finished my last day of chemo at the hospital. Her husband is a surgeon but I haven't asked her to bring him along just yet as I know his schedule is full. I met him at El Chico's one night and I am positive that he would fit right in. I'll let you guys know when I next see Lisa and Waylon...uh.....Colonels Jawar and Malmay.

In any event, I wrote about General Wolfe a while back. He was my first room mate in Vietnam when we were flying with the 199th Light Infantry Brigade in Long Binh and Xuan Loc. When the unit went home in September of 1970, I went to the 11th Cav at Dian to fly Night Hawk Gunships and Scouts on Hunter Killer Teams and he went to the 25 Infantry Division to fly Cobras from Cu Chi which was real close to our base.

As a last point to make this morning, I will pass along some of the flight information that General Wolfe submitted. He advised that there were several prices listed but let's just say that they come in between $350 to $450. That focuses on the costs to come from Pennsylvania to Little Rock. I'm not sure if it's one way or round trip but in any event, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the $1600 round trip between Saigon and Shreveport in December of 1970.

Congratulations to General Wolfe and his foxy, Corvette driving wife, Ginny. More later when I hear back from Colonel Malmay.

1 comment:

  1. ABE-LIT-ABE round trip. Don't forget the 6 months of scout flying too.
