Saturday, October 19, 2013

Important Dates In History

With recent studies of important dates in history, I stumbled across August 23rd. This just happened to be the date, in 1934, that Hitler and Stalin got together to sign the infamous Non-Aggression Pact. In Hitler's eyes, it prevented a two front war. For Stalin, it simply bought time. "In a secret side agreement, signed on the same day, they agreed on the imminent carving up between them of the nations of Eastern Europe, from the Baltic to the Black Sea".

On the same date, August 23rd, but this time, in 1996, there was another document drawn up that appears to hold promise of a catastrophe that is far worse than the Hitler and Stalin Non-Aggression Pact. This one was signed by Osama Bin Laden and it was a Declaration of War against America.

Now comes some of that Arithmetic . If you count heads, you'll see that the number of troops that Hitler and Stalin put together for the Second World War, and compare that to the number of Cult members that follow the teachings of Bin Laden, you'll discover that there are many times more than either Hitler or Stalin had. Isn't that an interesting note to make.

As I left August and proceeded into September, I came across September 11th, or as we refer to it, 911. I was already wondering what in the hell made 911 so special to the Cult when I came across a very interesting story.

It seems that the Turks wanted Austria and in 1697 the Austrian Emperor Leopold I, ordered Prince Eugene of Savoy to kick their asses out, once and for all time. They had already had one hell of a battle in 1693 when the Turks retreated to the Balkans, an area that allowed them to pose a never ending threat to return for another fight.

Having had enough of that, Eugene was ordered by Leopold I to move forward with an attack and forward he went. He caught up with the army of Sultan Mustafa II near Zenta which is or was present day Yugoslavia where the Danube meets the Tisza. At the time he arrived, he discovered that Mustafa had already transported his artillery across the river but left his infantry, for a moment, on the other side of the river while he did conducted that maneuver. That's when Eugene saw his chance to kick ass and not even worry about taking names.

He ordered an attack because he knew, that without artillery, their asses belonged to him. He also knew that the majority of the enemy was made up of "Janissaries" who were kidnapped from Christian families when they were kids, forced to convert to the Cult and would most probably haul ass when the fighting began. That's exactly what they did.  

By the time it was all over, 20,000 Turks lay dead on the field with another 10,000 drowned in the river when they tried to escape. Austrian losses amounted to only 300 killed. Talk about a body count and a kill ratio! These boys did a J. O. B. on the Cult members and it all happened on September 11th.  Credit for this information goes to W.B. Marsh & Bruce Carrick from "Great Stories From History For Every Day", The Fall River Press.

With all this history in place, I wonder if the 1996 declaration will end up providing the same result that the 1934 agreement did. I'll have a little more to say about that later. As a former 11th Armored Cavalry officer, I have my own version of what the "11th" will really mean. Enjoy your week end.




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