Saturday, July 13, 2013

Continental Flashbacks at Warp Drive Speed.

Last night was another night without a "Ping" but it was not another night without communications from the Founding Fathers.

This one was one of the weirdest of all. It happened so fast that the words "Warp Drive Speed" flashed across my mind as it was unfolding in far less time than the 7 minutes and 53 seconds that it took to make the demonstration that was being shown behind the podium in the Continental Congress.

It all started with the familiar voice of Stormin Norman when he said: "It is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you, the two men who made the ultimate sacrifice for their Country and the men under their protection. Please make welcome, the heroes of Benghazi, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods".

As the two men approached the podium, there was a rousing applause from all the members. The usual cheer of "Bully, Bully" came from Teddy Roosevelt. I could make out the heavy English accent of General Bernard Montgomery as he chanted "Good show, ole boy, good show".

There were lots of whistles, clapping and tapping of walking canes on the wooden floor but there wasn't any of the bedlam that came the night the members invaded the stockade when Norman gave the illegal immigration expense reports during his opening speech to Congress.   

Before the two Navy Seals even reached the podium, Norman dropped a sheet that was behind the podium and pushed a button on his lap top. I'm not sure how he put it all together but it appears that he either had some kind of a projector hooked to the laptop or he linked the sheet with the laptop so the following presentation appeared for the entire Congress to see.

If you drag your mouse across the link below, the identical address should drop down one line and you can click that to open the same screen that Stormin Norman was showing the Congress. I don't know what Norman has on his mind but it's clear that this is beyond any expense report from any agency. You click, you watch, you make up your mind and let ME know. I'm just trying to pass along these things but just because I have the connection doesn't mean that I have the answers.

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