Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Sneak Preview Of Heaven.

I was driving home from the hospital listening to the AM radio station in Shreveport when I heard the opening notes from Twilight Zone by Golden Earring. Then, all of a sudden, I heard the voice of Rush Limbaugh. Since I'd just posted that link on the previous post, I laughed out loud to myself and thought, "Hell, Rush is reading my blog".

After I took an afternoon nap, I got up and began running errands. Later on, as I was driving home, I turned the radio on again. This time, I heard another talk radio guy talking about the Founding Fathers and the things they would say if they were here today. It was Mark Levin. He's the guy that Hannity refers to as "The Great One".

I listen to AM radio more than FM because they have the best sports stuff around here and I like it a lot. I will confess that quite some time ago, I'd heard Levin talk about the Founding Fathers but I really didn't pay much attention to it because I had not experienced any contacts from Washington, General Lee or anybody else for that matter. But this time, it was different.

It occurred to me that there may be lots of people thinking about the first and second Continental Congress. It was only upon hearing Limbaugh and Levin that I thought they were in the same loop I was and that they had been contacted as well.

I listened to Limbaugh when I was still on the road and spent lots of time everyday driving from customer to customer. I never even heard of Mark Levin but after the recent references to the Founding Fathers, I'll go buy a radio and put it in my den for future reference.

I'll admit that I've had some real strange experiences since the brain surgery, but this time, the voices aren't just coming during sleep or moments of day dreaming. Now, they're coming from the radio and coming from people that millions of Americans listen to. I don't know how many listeners they have but there's lots of stuff on the news that refer to some of the things they say on their programs. I can't help but wonder if they are in contact like I've been and are just too scared to mention it for fear that somebody will lock them up in the Loony Bin.

I don't have that fear because I'm already certified and in fact, am a card carrying, certified, disabled veteran who often refers to the "Great Doctor's Excuse" that I have for experiencing things like this. In addition to that, I sometimes sign off from emails with "Half a Brain Butler".

Despite the craziness and the dangers of malignant brain cancer that I've recently experienced in my world, I have thought about Heaven all my life. It was a constant source of comfort for me especially during July, November and December of 1970 when I was so close to death in Vietnam and so many times after that when we were looking death in the face everyday in Cambodia. Despite the countless thought of Heaven I've had, I never once was able to see what it looked like.

Back then, I had a thought or two about the Pearly Gates, angels floating on clouds, streets of gold and a land of milk and honey. Now, things have changed. I've visualized Heaven as something that is real and in color. It makes perfect sense to me. Death one day and Heaven the next isn't something that occurred to me in color or the kind of detail that these recent images have produced. I would really dig it if Heaven was located somewhere around Philadelphia, and I say that as someone who has never been to Philly.

I'm not trying to say that I have some kind of vision that indicates my impending death. Everybody will meet the Grim Reaper sooner or later but when my time comes, I'll be equipped with a better vision of Heaven than I've ever had before. It has to be cool and angels floating on clouds is only a part of it, not the whole thing.

I have a very long list of people that I hope to see when I get there. Many are from my days during flight school, Vietnam and Cambodia but that's just a small part of the group I want to see. School mates, college buddies, old neighbors that have gone before me and countless others.

Joe Messina, the World War II veteran that gave me my first ride in a Piper Cub. Mr. A.B. Chapman, who was my instructor pilot during helicopter flight school, Terry Femmer, one of the pilots from the 199th that taught me how to fly and survive and even Jernigan and Stearns, the two guys that Wolman and I watched die on July 4, 1970. I would also like to see Gorski, the pilot I replaced when he was killed shortly before I began flying for Fireball Aviation.

In any event, I've been off of the site for a few days as I've had a bit of bad weather and computer problems that sometime comes when your electricity goes out. I haven't had any more communication from the Continental Congress unless you consider Limbaugh and Levin some kind of a link. I'll have to send them an email or something to see if they're having these visions, too. Until then, I'll just say hang on or "Standby for News". More coming later.

Regards, Half a Brain Butler


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