Saturday, February 15, 2014

They sent him to JAIL, who's next?

This week has been full of good news.

Don't you just love it when a slime ball gets caught, charged, convicted and thrown into jail! I sure do, especially when it's a crooked politician. To make the story even better than that, this politician is from Louisiana, my home State. This is just too good to be true.

Before I tell you who it is, let me say that I hope we are seeing a trend here. I say that because I can think of many more who need to change their place of residence to one that is more conducive to the public good where they can do no more harm to the American way of life.

An associate of mine asked for a manslaughter conviction when his letter to the Washington Post was published. Unfortunately, that was not to be. The manslaughter request was made because of the thousands that drowned during Katrina. If you haven't guessed by now, let me say that it was :" Ray Nagin", former Mayor of New Orleans.

What a great way to start the long job of locking up the crooks that invade the political system at every level. You think he's the only one? Nah.

I'm so sick of hearing this garbage that all veterans are mentally ill that I've come to the conclusion that anybody that would say that is guilty of a long list of crimes against Americans. We are, after all, 23 million strong. The fact that all of my male relatives served in the armed forces of the United States makes the allegations of mental illness, an assault on my family, my entire family. That includes my USMC brother and my USN son.

The accuser, Diane Feinstein, the woman we refer to as "Slimestein", doesn't appear to have any military back ground. She's lucky that my Uncle Parker isn't knocking on her door. He was a USMC veteran of the Pacific Theatre. I can almost see that smile on his face when he asks her to tell him about her combat record. After a moment of silence where she has to answer that she has none, I can see that little grin just before he says: "So, you have none at all?".

Being the gentlemen that he was, I know that he wouldn't have done anything violent or verbally abusive but being the smart man that he was, I know that he would have added: "So, you are totally ignorant of the facts and have nothing at all to base your statements on." At that point, I think he would have simply said: "Come on Timmy, the bible says "From all things evil, abstain. Let's get out of here"

My Uncle Woodrow wouldn't have cussed her out or said anything ungentlemanly, either. I don't think any of my mother's brothers would have given her a tongue lashing.

My Butler kin folks would be a different matter. Uncle Charles, U.S. Army Air Corp, my daddy's brother in law, would have said: "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, how could anybody that stupid be in Congress". Uncle Raymond, my daddy's brother, former Golden Glove Championship boxer, would have given her a mouth full. Rather than delivering a knock out right cross to the head, I think he would have pinched her with the most powerful thumb and index fingers on the planet.

Even though all of them had great kids, it's a shame that they couldn't clone men like that and keep them around just for times like these.

In any event, the moral of this story has to surround the incarceration of Ray Nagin and his abuse of the Mayor's office in his "Chocolate City". There's hope here, folks. Who's next? I'm anxiously awaiting. Go ahead and Google "Ray Nagin Conviction". You'll be glad you did.  

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