Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Combat statistics from history.

It has occurred to me that combat is the ultimate form of problem solving. If you don't like your neighborhood, move. If you don't like your job, get another one.  If you don't like your bank balance, change your spending habits.

If some idiot moves to town and tells you that you have to change your entire world and fall in line with his way of thinking, that, as they say down here, "is a whole nuther thang". Let's take another look at history and see what has proven to happen when idiots like that come to town and start demanding that you do this or that.

If we use the first Boston Massacre as an example, you might be able to see problem solving in several different ways. Since that happened on March 5th of 1770, I think it's a great place to start. On that day, 5 Americans were killed and 6 were wounded.

If you use the Timmy Butler way of doin' math, multiply those 6 deaths by the number 4,000 and you will come up with 24,000 which just happens to be the number of British that were killed during the war.

To be fair, let me say that the Brits would probably say that we should use the number 3.51 because we lost a total number of Americans that is reported to be somewhere between 4,400 and 6,824. My number reflects the after effect of the six men killed at the Boston Massacre, not the entire war.

If you go to the Second World War, you can google the statistics from Pearl Harbor and see that we lost 2,386 killed in action. If you continue to use the Timmy Butler way of doin' math, you can use the multiplier of 984 to find out how many Japanese had to die before they figured it out. That comes up to 2,350,000 deaths that resulted from the 2,386 killed on December 7th, 1941. Get it? That's 984 Japs to 1 American.

The Nazi death count is a different thing. Since Hitler declared war on us when the Pearl Harbor attack took place, there isn't a Boston Massacre or Pearl Harbor data base to start with just for the Germans.

There is however, a total number of German and Japanese deaths to use as a comparison to the total number of Americans killed from the first shot at Pearl Harbor. That death toll turned out to be 9,250,000 German AND Japanese lives lost. The Timmy index shows that to be 3,876 enemy killed, per 1American life lost, with the first shot being taken on December 7th. That's what I call a "kill ratio". That's a pretty good number to use.

Now, if you go to that 911 death toll of 2,996 and use the 3,876 to 1 kill ratio, you will get a rough idea of the death toll that's needed before bone head figures out that you ought not piss off those Americans. Using that formula, the expected death toll to stop all their madness, runs up to 11,612,496 dead bone heads required to stop all this world domination stuff.

Before you get too judgmental about those numbers, I want to say that I am aware that advancing technology causes those numbers to increase in their effectiveness. There's a huge difference between a flint lock rifle used during the Boston Massacre of 1770 and the weapons used today. After all, we have come from 3.51 to 1 at the end of the Revolutionary War to 3,876 to 1 during the atomic age.

To be fair, if you include that increase, the one seen between the 3.51 to 1 kill ratio and the 3,876 to 1 ratio listed above, that's a factor of  1,104.27 times more deadly now than during the American Revolution. If you ask yourself "What's that mean?", let me say that it changes the required BONE HEAD INDEX to reflect a much larger death toll of the next war before bone heads figure it all out.

What's that mean in numbers? It means that the 11,612,496 calculated required death toll must increase to 12,820,195,584. Now, after doing all of this math and being very careful to use published data that can be verified by all, I am proud to announce that I have come to the never ending problem of searching for world peace between free men and those that wish to dominate the world and force everybody to their way of thinking.

I say that all we have to do is send them an arithmetic teacher, a few pictures from history and a video of a "closed border". You can also add a picture of Lt. Aldo Ray with that cause he's gonna demand those scalps. For those of  you who haven't seen "Inglorious Basterds", go rent it.

Y'all have a real nice day.

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