Thursday, February 6, 2014

Another Officer Bites The Dust.

Go to google then to snopes and type in "Lt. Colonel Matthew Dooley Fired". I hope that's enough of a source document to give credence to my ranting and raving about the Military Purge that we are experiencing.

You will discover that some Islamic Group complained about his course of instruction at The War College and that complaint resulted in his dismissal. Well, I have a complaint about that. Here goes:

What in God's name are Muslims doing knowing anything about the teachings that go on at our military institutions? In my world, they are spies and should be immediately arrested and charged with any number of crimes. In defense of that, let me ask you to review the Ft. Hood shootings that should be referred to as Ft. Hood Murders by a Muslim. Do the math.

History shows that there's only so much we can take before the shit hits the fan. I say that the shit is just about to do exactly that. Y'all have a nice day. I'm going to the hospital. Tim

1 comment:

  1. Great info on Lt Col Dooley Tim. I'm shocked at the actions of Gen. Dempsey and LtGen Flynn.
    Everything go ok at the Hospital?
