Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Timmy's Shit List.

Having completed my 65th birthday celebration yesterday, I thought that my first order of bidness, as a bonafide senior citizen, should be listed here for all to view. I've decided, thanks to John R and Eddie W, that I am going after a couple of organizations that suck. That would be the ACLU and some other half wit group that targets the military's use of the word "God".

Before I get into this, let me say that this is more about the military man and real American citizens who are Christians, than religious freedom. All you atheists or agnostics out there, don't get offended. There are more of us than you so just leave it alone. For you cult members, you can just kiss off and go back to the cave you came from and take that stinking ass camel with you.

First of all, we were  here first. If you came over here and didn't assimilate, the solution to your dilemma is quite simple. Pack your stuff and go back home. I say that in a peaceful way so you will understand that there's no reason at this time for us to start hunting you down and dealing with you in a way that is biblical. I'm talking about that part that said "Kill every man, woman, child and beast of burden". We don't work that way but if we're pushed far enough, we most certainly will. Please refer to the previous posts regarding: "Behind every blade of grass there is a gun".

Secondly, let's focus on the military man. He's the one who has to fight. He's the one that's living in a tent, missing his family and sometimes paying the price for your freedom with his life. I say that HE gets the right to do whatever he wants to do regarding the use of the word "God". In the interest of clarity, let me give you an example.

We can easily go back to the way it used to be when "So help me God" was okay to say. We can put the ten commandments back on the courthouses and pray in the schools. See how easy that was! Oh, did I forget to mention that none of you will be attending public schools? Those are for real American kids and the status quo will be returned to the days when stuff wasn't broke.

With regard to you having your way, we can build a huge courthouse somewhere near the sewer treatment plant in Bossier City and make sure that God's name is not anywhere on it. In addition to that, we can make sure that your wishes are observed by having you list your atheist or agnostic affiliation on your driver's license. That way, when it comes time to vote, you can go to the voting booth that has all Christian candidates removed from the list of people to vote for. Won't that be nice!
See how easy that is!

Next, we can insure that your needs and desires are met by classifying you with the IRS. That way, you can "pay your fair share" of the expense for all these things and not have to worry about being offended by real Americans. If you think I'm being an elitist by using "Real Americans", refer to that "One Nation Under God" thing.

This is just the beginning of the Timmy Way of doin' bidness so I can't get it all done in a single post. I think you get the drift. Doesn't this make you feel good. No more of this "hate God" stuff that's been thrown in our faces by those of you who shouldn't be here and need to leave now.

I'll leave you with this one last thought:, all we need to do is create a bill that makes this legal. I would like to call it the "Shame on your ass" bill but I think it would be accepted in a better light if we call it "The Remove Anti Americans Bill".

There will be more later. Have faith.


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