Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Elect me and "Back in the 1800's"

My father, Jules Leon Butler, was born in 1906. I never met his father as he had passed away before I was born. I know that his parents were living in Shreveport and from that, I have concluded that the Butler family comes from a very long line of men and women that were born in the United States.

The same holds true for my mother, Nora McInnis. She always used to say that she was born the year that the Titanic sunk and that she was still floating. Her mother was born in 1890 from parents that were natural born Americans. From that, I concluded that there is a certain amount of cultural influence that came down the line to me and the other members in my family.

I've had some conversations about the origins of the Butler Clan and the McInnis Clan over the years and I  have discovered that a number of impossibilities exist that relate to the cultural influences from being a red blooded American. I concluded that those of us who come from generation after generation of Americans are different from those who are not and it is impossible for us to view immigrants as citizens who have the same cultural values that we do.

If you remember the picture of the Mexican flag flying over a California high school, you may get my point. That is just a crazy as the French flying their flag over a high school in Baton Rouge and claiming that it is their territory, not ours. Please refer to the Louisiana Purchase for the logic surrounding my last sentence and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican American War in 1848 to explain my first.

Our Country has had a long list of men who stood up to the plate and served their Country through the office of the Presidency. Some have been really great leaders and some have been lower on the totem pole of greatness but all of them have been real Americans with real American values and concerns.

Now, due to the insane levels of immigration, we are seeing a voting block of people who are apparently more concerned with "taking back their territory" or "making the Capitalist pigs pay". If you consider that for a moment, I shouldn't have to connect the dots for you as it relates to the selections they make in the voting booth. Having said that, I will now present you with the solution to a few of the problems that plague the Country today.

First and foremost, we need to change the voting laws. We need to insure that every single person who votes, is really an American. We need to think about that for a moment as Jane Fonda will probably pitch a fit about anything that's even close to that. When I say "Real American", that means my version of American, not Jane Fonda's.

If your momma and daddy weren't born here from parents who were born here, from parents who were born here, sorry, no vote. That comment could get me arrested in Liberal City but I don't care cause they're probably on the next list so just be patient and I'll take care of them later. Just keep this first step in mind because you're gonna love my idea of border security. Hang in there.

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