Monday, November 4, 2013

Ft. Hood Murders, The Veterans Speak.

See there! My ramblings about post traumatic stress have proven to be true. Without a doubt, it ain't no disorder. Remembering those things is fit and proper and proves that our minds are in a hell of a lot better shape than those who have never experienced the real world and all the things that come with it. Life ain't no ride at Chucky Cheese, it's livin' and dyin' and all the other things that come with survival of the fittest.

Since the days of Cambodia, I've always said that "There ain't nothin' better than killin' the guys that are killin' your guys". The comments I've received from the last post about shootin' that no good, murderer Hassan, prove that our boys in uniform still feel that way even if their uniform now says "Property of the VA hospital".

One of my California brothers wants to buy a ticket to be one of the shooters, one wants it done right now, one wants it to be a sporting event held during deer season. Maybe we're getting to a point where we are willing to turn the corner and return to the old days when things were done in a more appropriate manner. Why we decided to fix something that wasn't broke is beyond me. Maybe when bonehead leaves we can get some things proposed that will put things back in order. I hope so.

While I'm at it, let me give a "shout out" to the court house gang in Beauregard Parish Louisiana. At the very top of the building, the old hanging platform still exists. I don't know if the stuff is still there but when you drive by the courthouse the little room at the top is always pointed out as "the place where they used to hang murderers". Who in the hell decided to "fix" that one? I love Louisiana but even we have had our share of bone heads.

This may sound a bit morbid to some of you but if you admit the thoughts you had when you saw Saddam's head in the noose you'll see what I mean. Kinda gives you that happy feeling to know that the mass murders of civilians by chemical weapons ain't gonna  happen anymore. Despite that, there are many who still believe that chemical weapons ain't no weapons of mass destruction. Just ask the Kurds, they'll tell you.

Today is my 65th birthday and starting it off with comments from so many guys that agree with me about the thoughts that focus on the proper way to dispose of Hassan's sorry ass, is a mighty nice way to start the day.

I even opened a birthday card from Mikey that had a coupon in it for Mickey D's place. Maybe ham and eggs would be an appropriate last meal for Hassan. Yeah. Let's add that to the list. See there, it just goes to show you how wonderful years of treatment can be. Thanks to all the Docs at the VA in Houston, Alexandria and Shreveport for making me the man I have become. I think I need a business card to pass around the hospital. I could have a little title block under my name that says something like "A Product Of Our Mental Health Department".

Feelin' good today and looking forward to my birthday dinner and some cake with my grand daughter. Yeeeha.


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