Friday, November 1, 2013

Firing Squad for Nidal Hassan? Let's have one!

Do you guys remember Mel Gibson's performance in "The Patriot"? I was watching it yesterday afternoon but my nap time didn't allow me to see it from the very beginning. When I started watching, Mel Gibson and his two kids were just getting ready to shoot the Red Coats that were taking his oldest son to some place where he was to be hanged. He and his other two sons, the youngest of the family, managed to kill 20, rescue his son and get away before another British patrol came by and discovered what remained of the 21 man detail.

Shortly after that, there was a scene where the British commander, Colonel William Tavington, showed up to find out what in the hell happened to his detail. He was with a Colonial, "Captain Wilkins", and after a short explanation of who Wilkins was, you may remember that he was introduced as a man who had previously fought with the Colonial Militia.

Tavington asked, "Why should I trust a man who betrays his neighbors?". Wilkins answered with "Those neighbors of mine who stand against England deserve to die a traitors death".

I really liked that line because I haven't heard the word "traitor" in a long time. I thought about that for a minute and wondered if political correctness had something to with the word being used less and less during today's day and time. In pursuit of that, I went to google and typed in "Major Hassan verdict" and among everything that was said, I couldn't find the word "Traitor" anywhere. I did find the following , and I quote: .

"Soldiers testified that Hassan's rapid reloading made it all but impossible to stop him. Investigators recovered 146 shell casings in the medical building and dozens more outside, where Hassan shot at the backs of soldiers fleeing toward the parking lot".

I'd never heard that before but it gave me enough information to connect the dots between an active duty, U.S. Army Major calculating a specific act to murder 13 other Army personnel.

It may seem odd to some but I think this death sentence is cause for a party. That's right! In the midst of all the media by-passes of the word "Traitor", I say it's time to celebrate the first death sentence of a sorry piece of meat that committed treason against his Country and dealt so much misery to so many families. I don't want to celebrate killing him, I want to celebrate him being killed for his act of treason even though the media never once used that word.

I don't know exactly when he will be executed but I think we need some bumper stickers, maybe a few yard signs, a short bit of radio time or a little of that you tube stuff. Don't you agree? Maybe we could do a lottery or something where you could buy a ticket for a dollar or two and donate all the proceeds to the families of those that were killed. You know, "Take a dollar chance to win a spot on the firing squad kind of thing". I'd buy one in a heart beat.

Let's think about that for a minute. Even if we only offered tickets in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee, I bet that there would be lots of Cowboys, Cajuns, Sooners, Hill Billys and Red Necks that would want to participate. Remember, we aren't like Detroit, we still have a lot of Patriots down here and all of them can shoot.

If that didn't raise enough money to give each family that lost someone, a million dollars, we could do other fund raising stuff. How about bumper stickers? "Hassan, Shoot Him In The Balls And Let Him Bleed Out". That could be one. If you don't like that one, how about, "Hassan, gone to meet virgins without his nuts". Please feel free to comment with your own ideas.

If we can't get that done, maybe we could have a bunch of parties on a Nationwide basis and raise money for the families. Tee shirts would be nice, maybe some baseball caps. Get the women involved, they can do wonders for a good cause like this. This could be a lot of fun and send a message that supports our military judicial system. I like it a lot and I feel read good about this. Maybe we've turned the corner on punishing those who do treasonous acts against our Country. Long live the firing squad.



  1. The execution could be scheduled for the period of two weeks after Thanksgiving when about 2/3's of the people of Pennsylvania participate in the annual buck season. Just have him roam the woods of NE PA for a very short time and he will be bagged and tagged.

  2. I'll buy a few dozen tickets Tim. Even though I live in Ca. I was born in the Ozarks. A firing squad for him could generate a LOT of money with the winner getting to be a part of it!
