Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Elect me and "Back in the 1800's"

My father, Jules Leon Butler, was born in 1906. I never met his father as he had passed away before I was born. I know that his parents were living in Shreveport and from that, I have concluded that the Butler family comes from a very long line of men and women that were born in the United States.

The same holds true for my mother, Nora McInnis. She always used to say that she was born the year that the Titanic sunk and that she was still floating. Her mother was born in 1890 from parents that were natural born Americans. From that, I concluded that there is a certain amount of cultural influence that came down the line to me and the other members in my family.

I've had some conversations about the origins of the Butler Clan and the McInnis Clan over the years and I  have discovered that a number of impossibilities exist that relate to the cultural influences from being a red blooded American. I concluded that those of us who come from generation after generation of Americans are different from those who are not and it is impossible for us to view immigrants as citizens who have the same cultural values that we do.

If you remember the picture of the Mexican flag flying over a California high school, you may get my point. That is just a crazy as the French flying their flag over a high school in Baton Rouge and claiming that it is their territory, not ours. Please refer to the Louisiana Purchase for the logic surrounding my last sentence and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican American War in 1848 to explain my first.

Our Country has had a long list of men who stood up to the plate and served their Country through the office of the Presidency. Some have been really great leaders and some have been lower on the totem pole of greatness but all of them have been real Americans with real American values and concerns.

Now, due to the insane levels of immigration, we are seeing a voting block of people who are apparently more concerned with "taking back their territory" or "making the Capitalist pigs pay". If you consider that for a moment, I shouldn't have to connect the dots for you as it relates to the selections they make in the voting booth. Having said that, I will now present you with the solution to a few of the problems that plague the Country today.

First and foremost, we need to change the voting laws. We need to insure that every single person who votes, is really an American. We need to think about that for a moment as Jane Fonda will probably pitch a fit about anything that's even close to that. When I say "Real American", that means my version of American, not Jane Fonda's.

If your momma and daddy weren't born here from parents who were born here, from parents who were born here, sorry, no vote. That comment could get me arrested in Liberal City but I don't care cause they're probably on the next list so just be patient and I'll take care of them later. Just keep this first step in mind because you're gonna love my idea of border security. Hang in there.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Attention Patriot Command Staff

To all Unit and Core Commanders  in the Patriot Command Staff.

Watch this video and then feel free to take the rest of the day off with pay. Having said that, I am beginning to think that one of the best ways to communicate with all of you is through attachments that provide a really good environment for you to digest new information. I suggest that you wait until after lunch to view this as it goes very well with popcorn that is best served in the late afternoon.

Colonel Malmay, please inform Colonel Jawar as I know she is busy saving lives at the moment but I believe that she will need to be in the loop on this one, too.

T.L. Butler Sr
Commanding General 


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Timmy's Shit List.

Having completed my 65th birthday celebration yesterday, I thought that my first order of bidness, as a bonafide senior citizen, should be listed here for all to view. I've decided, thanks to John R and Eddie W, that I am going after a couple of organizations that suck. That would be the ACLU and some other half wit group that targets the military's use of the word "God".

Before I get into this, let me say that this is more about the military man and real American citizens who are Christians, than religious freedom. All you atheists or agnostics out there, don't get offended. There are more of us than you so just leave it alone. For you cult members, you can just kiss off and go back to the cave you came from and take that stinking ass camel with you.

First of all, we were  here first. If you came over here and didn't assimilate, the solution to your dilemma is quite simple. Pack your stuff and go back home. I say that in a peaceful way so you will understand that there's no reason at this time for us to start hunting you down and dealing with you in a way that is biblical. I'm talking about that part that said "Kill every man, woman, child and beast of burden". We don't work that way but if we're pushed far enough, we most certainly will. Please refer to the previous posts regarding: "Behind every blade of grass there is a gun".

Secondly, let's focus on the military man. He's the one who has to fight. He's the one that's living in a tent, missing his family and sometimes paying the price for your freedom with his life. I say that HE gets the right to do whatever he wants to do regarding the use of the word "God". In the interest of clarity, let me give you an example.

We can easily go back to the way it used to be when "So help me God" was okay to say. We can put the ten commandments back on the courthouses and pray in the schools. See how easy that was! Oh, did I forget to mention that none of you will be attending public schools? Those are for real American kids and the status quo will be returned to the days when stuff wasn't broke.

With regard to you having your way, we can build a huge courthouse somewhere near the sewer treatment plant in Bossier City and make sure that God's name is not anywhere on it. In addition to that, we can make sure that your wishes are observed by having you list your atheist or agnostic affiliation on your driver's license. That way, when it comes time to vote, you can go to the voting booth that has all Christian candidates removed from the list of people to vote for. Won't that be nice!
See how easy that is!

Next, we can insure that your needs and desires are met by classifying you with the IRS. That way, you can "pay your fair share" of the expense for all these things and not have to worry about being offended by real Americans. If you think I'm being an elitist by using "Real Americans", refer to that "One Nation Under God" thing.

This is just the beginning of the Timmy Way of doin' bidness so I can't get it all done in a single post. I think you get the drift. Doesn't this make you feel good. No more of this "hate God" stuff that's been thrown in our faces by those of you who shouldn't be here and need to leave now.

I'll leave you with this one last thought:, all we need to do is create a bill that makes this legal. I would like to call it the "Shame on your ass" bill but I think it would be accepted in a better light if we call it "The Remove Anti Americans Bill".

There will be more later. Have faith.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Ft. Hood Murders, The Veterans Speak.

See there! My ramblings about post traumatic stress have proven to be true. Without a doubt, it ain't no disorder. Remembering those things is fit and proper and proves that our minds are in a hell of a lot better shape than those who have never experienced the real world and all the things that come with it. Life ain't no ride at Chucky Cheese, it's livin' and dyin' and all the other things that come with survival of the fittest.

Since the days of Cambodia, I've always said that "There ain't nothin' better than killin' the guys that are killin' your guys". The comments I've received from the last post about shootin' that no good, murderer Hassan, prove that our boys in uniform still feel that way even if their uniform now says "Property of the VA hospital".

One of my California brothers wants to buy a ticket to be one of the shooters, one wants it done right now, one wants it to be a sporting event held during deer season. Maybe we're getting to a point where we are willing to turn the corner and return to the old days when things were done in a more appropriate manner. Why we decided to fix something that wasn't broke is beyond me. Maybe when bonehead leaves we can get some things proposed that will put things back in order. I hope so.

While I'm at it, let me give a "shout out" to the court house gang in Beauregard Parish Louisiana. At the very top of the building, the old hanging platform still exists. I don't know if the stuff is still there but when you drive by the courthouse the little room at the top is always pointed out as "the place where they used to hang murderers". Who in the hell decided to "fix" that one? I love Louisiana but even we have had our share of bone heads.

This may sound a bit morbid to some of you but if you admit the thoughts you had when you saw Saddam's head in the noose you'll see what I mean. Kinda gives you that happy feeling to know that the mass murders of civilians by chemical weapons ain't gonna  happen anymore. Despite that, there are many who still believe that chemical weapons ain't no weapons of mass destruction. Just ask the Kurds, they'll tell you.

Today is my 65th birthday and starting it off with comments from so many guys that agree with me about the thoughts that focus on the proper way to dispose of Hassan's sorry ass, is a mighty nice way to start the day.

I even opened a birthday card from Mikey that had a coupon in it for Mickey D's place. Maybe ham and eggs would be an appropriate last meal for Hassan. Yeah. Let's add that to the list. See there, it just goes to show you how wonderful years of treatment can be. Thanks to all the Docs at the VA in Houston, Alexandria and Shreveport for making me the man I have become. I think I need a business card to pass around the hospital. I could have a little title block under my name that says something like "A Product Of Our Mental Health Department".

Feelin' good today and looking forward to my birthday dinner and some cake with my grand daughter. Yeeeha.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Firing Squad for Nidal Hassan? Let's have one!

Do you guys remember Mel Gibson's performance in "The Patriot"? I was watching it yesterday afternoon but my nap time didn't allow me to see it from the very beginning. When I started watching, Mel Gibson and his two kids were just getting ready to shoot the Red Coats that were taking his oldest son to some place where he was to be hanged. He and his other two sons, the youngest of the family, managed to kill 20, rescue his son and get away before another British patrol came by and discovered what remained of the 21 man detail.

Shortly after that, there was a scene where the British commander, Colonel William Tavington, showed up to find out what in the hell happened to his detail. He was with a Colonial, "Captain Wilkins", and after a short explanation of who Wilkins was, you may remember that he was introduced as a man who had previously fought with the Colonial Militia.

Tavington asked, "Why should I trust a man who betrays his neighbors?". Wilkins answered with "Those neighbors of mine who stand against England deserve to die a traitors death".

I really liked that line because I haven't heard the word "traitor" in a long time. I thought about that for a minute and wondered if political correctness had something to with the word being used less and less during today's day and time. In pursuit of that, I went to google and typed in "Major Hassan verdict" and among everything that was said, I couldn't find the word "Traitor" anywhere. I did find the following , and I quote: .

"Soldiers testified that Hassan's rapid reloading made it all but impossible to stop him. Investigators recovered 146 shell casings in the medical building and dozens more outside, where Hassan shot at the backs of soldiers fleeing toward the parking lot".

I'd never heard that before but it gave me enough information to connect the dots between an active duty, U.S. Army Major calculating a specific act to murder 13 other Army personnel.

It may seem odd to some but I think this death sentence is cause for a party. That's right! In the midst of all the media by-passes of the word "Traitor", I say it's time to celebrate the first death sentence of a sorry piece of meat that committed treason against his Country and dealt so much misery to so many families. I don't want to celebrate killing him, I want to celebrate him being killed for his act of treason even though the media never once used that word.

I don't know exactly when he will be executed but I think we need some bumper stickers, maybe a few yard signs, a short bit of radio time or a little of that you tube stuff. Don't you agree? Maybe we could do a lottery or something where you could buy a ticket for a dollar or two and donate all the proceeds to the families of those that were killed. You know, "Take a dollar chance to win a spot on the firing squad kind of thing". I'd buy one in a heart beat.

Let's think about that for a minute. Even if we only offered tickets in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee, I bet that there would be lots of Cowboys, Cajuns, Sooners, Hill Billys and Red Necks that would want to participate. Remember, we aren't like Detroit, we still have a lot of Patriots down here and all of them can shoot.

If that didn't raise enough money to give each family that lost someone, a million dollars, we could do other fund raising stuff. How about bumper stickers? "Hassan, Shoot Him In The Balls And Let Him Bleed Out". That could be one. If you don't like that one, how about, "Hassan, gone to meet virgins without his nuts". Please feel free to comment with your own ideas.

If we can't get that done, maybe we could have a bunch of parties on a Nationwide basis and raise money for the families. Tee shirts would be nice, maybe some baseball caps. Get the women involved, they can do wonders for a good cause like this. This could be a lot of fun and send a message that supports our military judicial system. I like it a lot and I feel read good about this. Maybe we've turned the corner on punishing those who do treasonous acts against our Country. Long live the firing squad.