Friday, September 27, 2013

Y'all see all this invisible stuff?

I was hoping that some of you guys might have already connected the dots from the things I've laid out in the previous posts I've made here. If you haven't made it that far, here's a look at some of that invisible stuff.

When the NVA decided to sneak into South Vietnam, they didn't take the Interstate. Many of them chose the most heavily vegetated part of the South and more or less hacked their way through it with machete styled cutting tools and other implements that made the impenetrable jungle, a bit easier to navigate. They knew we couldn't see them and they used that old trick of being invisible,  to make their way into Vietnam.

At that point in time, we began to use electronic sensors and helicopter mounted sniffers to detect any movements through the jungle. They could detect movement in areas that were simply unsuitable or impractical for us to use old style, scouts on the ground, recon missions. When the NVA losses continued to rise in those areas, they began using Laos and Cambodia as alternative routes to make it to the part of South Vietnam they were instructed to go.

If we didn't have a presence in Cambodia or Laos, they couldn't be seen and in a sense, they were somewhat invisible again. When we finally went into Cambodia, there was one hell of a battle but it definitely slowed the troop movements and resupply efforts that were going on prior to our invasion.

There are many ways to be effective in war time maneuvers. If you don't have a Navy, no carriers, no landing craft, no submarines, that particular method isn't even on the drawing boards. You have to do something else to effect your invasion.

With regard to the idea that you have to become "invisible" to succeed in your efforts to put troops in the field of a foreign country that is protected by a huge Naval and Air Force, I think that "The sneaking across the borders of Laos and Cambodia demonstration", is a valid point. The world certainly kept an eye on those things and the media made sure that they did.

I say that as a result of recent studies regarding the change in immigrant population of many Countries. Since I already wrote about Colonialism and how that failed to work, I'll use those Nations as an example. England, 2.1 million, Spain, 1.5 million and France, 4.5 million. I was unaware of those numbers and didn't really think much about it until I started seeing all the things on TV where their citizens were being killed on the street, forbidden to drive down certain streets during certain times of the day and demands to change the laws were made.

I'll leave you with that thought and later today or tonight, I'll continue with a more specific example of how that effects us. Thanks for the comments.

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