Monday, September 30, 2013

The Caddo Patriots or The Patriot's Cabin

I have been working on a book for a long time and most of these posts have been generated by the studies I've made regarding some of the things that I intend to put in the book.

With all the things that are going on right now, I've done a lot of thinking about Paul Revere and his buddies as well as the first and second Continental Congress. From that, I've put together something similar but I've converted it to today's day and time. I don't see much difference between then and now. Even though the times have changed, the situation really hasn't changed that much.

There most definitely is a move going on and that move is to undo us all and force us into something that isn't anywhere near the One Nation Under God thing that we've fought so hard to keep.

I wanted the opening sequence in the book to begin with a story about my drive to attend a meeting of all my life long friends and Veteran buddies from the Vietnam War. As I see it, we are all going to the Buffalo River in Gilbert, Arkansas to rent a group of cabins where we can discuss the same kinds of things that Paul Revere had to discuss hen the British were coming.

Curt, I want you to get ready for the trip. Mike, it's close enough for you to drive over from Bentonville and represent your buddies. Bernie, it ain't that far from KC and you can drive down for an overnighter. Bring Shannon and please feel free to bring your daughter. Craig, it's a long way from your place to Gilbert, Arkansas but I would love to see you, Dudley and Eddie make it.  The invitation is open to all the guys from Fireball Aviation.

The same holds true for Baltimore Doug and Doug LT from New York. Billy, Pennsylvania is a long haul as well but maybe you and Ed Wolfe can hook up and caravan on down if y'all don't fly.

If you google "The Gilbert Café" in Gilbert, Arkansas you can get an idea about a little town of 33 people that lies on the banks of the Buffalo River and see why I picked that town for the meeting. Jessie James had some of his buddies from the Younger Brothers hid out there long ago. It's a cool place to hide out. I lived there for 7 months and speak from experience.

In any event, the book started out as the Caddo Patriots because I was born and raised in Caddo Parish, Louisiana. The more I got into it, the more I realized that it would take a hell of a lot more people to do what needs to be done so I just moved the meeting from there to Gilbert and changed the title to "The Patriot's Cabin". Just think about it. More later, I have to do a bit of writing in the book so I may be off here for a day or two.

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