Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bad Sperm Results

This history thing that I've been on for quite some time has become more and more interesting. I've already tried to cover the story from Egypt, Moses, the Promised Land and all of the stupid things that occurred from that time till the 20th century. There's lots of it and it seems to never go away for very long.

With this morning's study of the new leader of North Korea, I've decided to add him to the data base that contains individuals who belong to the "Generational Violence Base". You can call it "Bad Sperm Results" or whatever you like but it's pretty clear that those who grow up in a moral cess pool, generally end up smelling like a turd.

He's apparently pushing his nuke program as hard or harder than anyone. I'm not sure why the Japanese are so concerned but I've read where they are pretty nervous about it even though Kim.... "Ill with a head full of Junk".... has more bad things to say about us than them.

I've not seen much about defense measures that have been taken but I assume that there's lots of eyeballs and sensors focused on North Korea and that there are more cross hairs focused on him than he has focused on us or the Japanese.

With more study of areas outside of North Korea, I discovered a video this morning that promises "We will take over Italy and Europe". If that wasn't enough, they went on to say that they would take South America and North America as well. In typical style of those who intend to take over the world, they added "That includes the United States".

You can do a little research on this yourself especially if you think I'm off my rocker. It's pretty interesting stuff when one can watch newscasts or statements made by the pool of folks that come from the "Bad Sperm Result" bank.

If you do that and arm yourself with the same historical data base that I have, you may get a grip on the "Generational Violence" thing I've mentioned. If not, just go to google and type that in. It will give you a short cut to what I'm referring to.

To give you a hint, let me say that people who have engaged in human sacrifice for thousands of years, tend to view things like that as  something other than murder. It's one of those Daddy did it, Grandpaw did it, my Great Grandpaw did it etc, etc, etc. That certainly doesn't make it okay but it does end up as something that is normal for them and not normal for those in the civilized world.

I have alot more to say about that but before I get into that, I think I'll take a break and give you a little time to google or do whatever you may like to do in pursuit of proving to yourself that these things I'm talking about are true and part of written history. They are facts and they're indisputable.

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