Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mother Stabbers and Father Rapers.

Sometimes you hafta go back to the songs of the sixties if you want to pull up some verses that describes certain members of our society. Alice's Restaurant can be found on google and you can listen to it if you want to get up to speed on the point I'm trying to make. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm trying to make a point or two about people, places and things that relate to the "stuff" that's going on right now.

It's a shame but it appears to me that this appeasement thing is as bad or worse than this immigration thing that we're going through. If you ask me, one kinda begets another.

I wanted to make a blog entry as its' been a few days and we have another reader on board who is also a Vietnam veteran and helicopter pilot. Welcome aboard to Joe. More will follow this but it's Mardis Gras and I gotta haul it out of here before the traffic gets me.

I will return with more historical information and statistics about the immigration situation that you may find interesting.

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