Friday, January 4, 2013

Today's history lesson.

I've had a number of people suggest that I write a book. Some wanted it to be about Vietnam, some wanted it to be a work of fiction to depict my idea of saving America and some wanted it to be a historical work that shows how stupid man is and why the violence and murder from dictatorships never seem to end.

I took those suggestions seriously and began a very intensive study of written history that started in Egypt, included the story of Moses, the Ottoman Empire, the Roman Empire, Genghis Khan and the most recent historical accounts from the Spanish, French and English.

It was quite interesting and especially so when I began to study the details of the European exodus when so many Europeans came to North America. When we became somewhat cross ways with the tax situation from King George or whatever his name was, and we started throwing tea into the harbor, it seemed to me that history wasn't going to change anything except the geographic location where it was being written.

After I checked out the "Stupid Index" and saw that the violence and idiocy that was contained by those who wished to rule the world, I concluded that man is a pretty stupid guy. When you work your way up to the late 1800's and move toward the first World War and then to Hitler, you will be amazed at the level of idiocy that existed then and still exists today. That's where I discovered the "Stupid Index".

After an intense study of all this, I concluded that there was one common denominator that proved to exist as the only solution to the problem.  Regardless of how you might think about it, the fact remains that the Killin' Bidness has proven to be the only solution. Sound crazy? Think about this.

The Romans were first. Lots of killin went on there before the Christians won and the Lions lost. Hannibal was a player and so was Constantine. If you get up to 600 a.d. and move forward, you'll see that nothing really changed much and that the Stupid Index only changed as a function of geography.

The Spanish, French and even the English botched their opportunities and derailed things when their "Passion overcame their Principles". It took a whole lot of killin bidness to get that all squared away but by the time all that was over with, here comes Adolph Hitler, the war mongers from Japan and that idiot in Italy whose grand daughter posed naked for the cameras. Benito would have really been pissed but it was too late as he had already fallen prey to the killin' index. You can google Benito Mussolini's grand daughter and check out the pic. She has a really great rack.

If you want a little hint as to how you may identify those in the Stupid Index, take a look at those who want to take over the world, create a 1,000 year Reich or simply TAKE everything. That's a pretty good starting point.

If you want a hint as to the solution to that kind of problem and those kinds of people, take a look at the casualty lists from World War I and World War II. The numbers run all over the place but between Hitler, Stalin and Tojo, I've seen them listed as a low of 50 million to a high of 200 million when all civilians are included.

Despite the huge difference in the casualty list, here comes that common denominator again. It surrounds the fact that the only thing that worked was the effectiveness of the Killin' Bidness. Hitler wouldn't quit killin the Jews so everybody got together and wiped out Nazi Germany. Tojo wouldn't quit using babies in Nanking for bayonet practise so most of Japan was burned down or melted. Worked like a charm, didn't it!

That brings us up to 1945 but there's lots of stuff still going on that was going on when those idiots were still running their game plan. If you would like me to continue with this, send me an email and I'll keep on going. If not, do nothing and I'll simply stop. Thanks, I just needed to give you guys a little head start on what's coming.


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