Sunday, July 22, 2012

Walt Disney? You better pack heat!

Well, here we go! Things seem to be getting worse rather than better.

There will be lots of gun control stuff coming out of the movie massacre and that's a shame. I always try to talk about things like this with big brother before I do my typical opinion and once again, he made sense.

He said everybody in that theatre should have been packing heat. If so, the killer wouldn't have made it past a few shots before he was taken out. He added; if everybody was packing heat, attitudes would change............. even when a 7' giant bumped into a midget, both would say "excuse me" and continue with their walking.

As this conversation with Leland was unfolding  he told me that  he was on his way to a movie and noted that it had free lemonade, free pizza and that the movie was free. He added that the movie was at his church.

When he told me it was at his church, I flashed back on a recent article I read where a bunch of rag heads came into a Catholic church and started throwing rocks at the parish members who were attending Mass. I think that happened in France or England but can't remember the exact spot.

Seems to me that history has proven the value of everybody owning guns. Admiral Yamamoto told General Tojo that he'd better not consider invading America because "Behind every blade of grass there is a gun".  I like that idea alot.

Do y'all remember seeing the television clip where the guy walked into a bar or cafe with the intent of robbing all the patrons? Seems that the place was the favorite spot of the police department and they were there for a convention. It was full of cops and all of them pulled their guns out and foiled the robbery attempt. I liked that alot and since yesterday was one of my kin folk's birthday, all of this gun stuff inspired me so I gave her a pistol as a present.

In any event and in view of the recent massacre, I've concluded that it's not just okay, it's a MUST to carry heat with you in today's day and time.

I've only had one situation where somebody pulled a gun on me and to be perfectly honest, I really don't remember exactly what I did when he reached for the gun. I DO remember hearing my step daughter yelling at the top of her lungs that "The guy with the gun is coming up the drive way".

I was shocked at the comment and the obvious fear in her voice. When I asked what it was about they just freaked out and said he pulled a gun out when he was at the house during the yard sale.

I remember telling the kids to get upstairs and lock the door to their rooms. When that happened and I knew everybody was safe, I returned to the kitchen and looked out of the glass door that led to the garage.

That's when fat ass walked through the garage and I opened the kitchen door to see who was carrying a gun and what the hell he wanted with me. When I asked what he wanted, the situation went ballistic.

His opening statement was gruff and loud. He said: "It's about this damn desk"...... and then he reached in his pocket and pulled the gun. I'm not sure what I did then but I know that a  moment later I heard the sound coming from his broken muffler as he cranked up and sped down the drive way.

I must have had a flashback, a moment of madness or something like that. The reason I say that is due to the comment his lawyer made to the judge when he didn't show up for trial.

His lawyer said that the guy that pulled the gun had moved to Mississippi and told his lawyer that as long as I was living in Alexandria, he would NEVER return to Louisiana. The judge ordered a bench warrant for his arrest and instructed that it be delivered to the Grant Parish Sheriff's Department in Colfax, Louisiana where he lived.

The judge then looked at me and said: "Mr. Butler, the court is prepared to proceed with this matter but it is impossible to clear this up without both parties in attendance. Would you explain to the court what happened?".

I proceeded to explain to the judge that I had never met the man before but I later discovered that the man had been there to purchase a desk that my wife was selling in a yard sale. It appeared that he hadn't brought cash and since he didn't have it with him, he insisted that my wife take his check instead of cash.

I was out of town on that day so I was only able to get the report of what happened from my wife AFTER he had returned the second time and after the incident, or what ever I did, was already over. I was really pissed that they didn't tell me what had happened but I understand that she knew I would have dealt with him harshly and she didn't want our names in the paper.

FWIW, this incident with the gun pulling occurred shortly after my next door neighbor shot and killed Tim Jr's dog for barking and scaring her horse. I was out of town on that one, too. I was in Alabama working and by the time I got home, the incident was over, no one was hurt except the dead dog and they thought I would deal with it in a manner more suitable to them, not me.

I should probably post an editorial about throwing her ass in jail so that you may have a better picture of the methodology I used in dealing with people that brandished guns around my family. That might explain why they elected not to tell me anything about fat ass pulling the gun.

I later found out that that fat ass, as he was shopping around the yard sale, found out that the neighbor had shot the dog. Hearing the story, he pulled the gun, waved it around in the air and said: "I know how to deal with problems like that". In any event, that's how they knew he had a gun and how he simply became described as the "man with the gun".

Moving along, my wife explained to fat ass that the desk was not ours and belonged to Greg and Ingrid, friends of ours. He became upset that he couldn't pick up the desk right then and there and stormed off the property.

The next thing I knew, Candy was yelling that the guy with the gun was coming up the drive way. I remember going into that place that a combat veteran goes when fear, shock, adrenaline and rage hits you at the same time.

I do remember opening the kitchen door the rest of the way and seeing the fear in his eyes I did so. I do NOT remember what happened after that but I assume that I may have attacked him before the gun fully left his pocket and that I may also have done something physical that totally freaked him out. I honestly do not remember.

In any event, I assume that had he known I was a gun advocate, maybe he wouldn't have been waving the gun around on his first visit and maybe none of this would have happened. I still support gun carriers and the 2nd amendment.

I'll check the blog to see if I posted the story about the neighbor that murdered Tim Jr's dog and let you know where to look if it's there.


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