Friday, July 27, 2012

Random, Unassigned Discontent

This is my third and hopefully, my last attempt to make any sense out of this post. I've deleted the previous two because it's been really difficult for me to make some kind of a cohesive editorial that will fit into other posts I've made on the Air Cav Troop site that I belong to.

Even though they are similar in subject, it's difficult to explain this without you being aware of the comment section that follows the posts on the ACT site. As an example of that, here is a list of the subjects that are covered on both sites minus any comments from those subjects.

Draft Dodgers, Traitors, Former Presidents, The Character of Men, Teddy Roosevelt's statements about the conduct of Immigrants and what they must do to assimilate, The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, The ACLU, removing God from our schools, courthouses, public places, flag burning, freedom of speech, The Great Depression, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" and a few other things relative to each of the above subjects.  Whew, what a list !!

You may well imagine how much information comes from the comments made about each of those editorials. Despite the wide variety of topics, one thing is common with all the subjects listed above. Veterans are pissed.

In response to the many complaints about the issues that cause so much concern, the subject of being discontented about current events was uppermost in every body's mind. When I began to discuss those we all agreed that there were so many problems out there, it was difficult to put your finger on exactly which one pissed you off the most. That's when I came up with the title: "Random, Unassigned Discontent".

Basically, my idea was to point out that there are so many things that are screwed up, one can go down a very long list of problems and conclude that a Random List, that is so long, doesn't require you to Assign a Specific Target to attack. You might say that we live in a target rich environment and that you can be furious, frustrated or discontent with any of many subjects on a very long list.

To further complicate things, now onto the scene, comes frustration. Throw in a little confusion and you have a situation that unchecked, produces a ship load of situational anxiety that screams for a leader to take us all out of these problem areas.

Many names of leaders who proved their worth come to mind but most of them are dead and gone. Churchill, Eisenhower, Patton, MacArthur, General "Bombs Away" Lemay and even the Nazi officers Irwin Rommel and Claus von Stauffenberg, who tried to kill Hitler, are all on that list of men who made huge sacrifices to rid the world of problems.

Can you imagine any situation where the names of two Nazi officers would fit on the same list as Churchill and the others? Well, they did as much as they could to stop the madness even though it cost them their lives.

What's the old saying about Evil? All that needs to be done for evil to exist is for good men to do nothing"? That may not be verbatim but it's close and I'm sure you get the idea. In any event, I think it's important to now mention an idea that may help you connect the dots of this post and the editorials on the Cav site.

Let's pick Teddy Roosevelt, Immigration and Flag burning.

To me, the problem with all that has a number of issues that need to be high lighted. First, there are many war dead who gave the ultimate sacrifice defending the flag. Second, and as a weird coincidence to the first item listed above, they also gave their lives for your right to burn it if that's what you chose to do.

Third, but most important to me, is Teddy Roosevelt's statement to Immigrants who wished to come to the USA. It was quite clear that he laid down the law when he said that they "Must Assimilate" to our way of life. There were statements with that where English was outlined as the language of our Country and with that, there was also A "Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag".

Without getting into details of the Constitution, laws, One Nation Under God or any of the many things that go along with that, let's simply say that Immigrants must assimilate and recognize that this is our Country, a Country made of Immigrants and that assimilation is the thing that kept us alive and connected to a common goal.

With that being said, I will say that there's a real simple and peaceful solution to the flag burning problem. Let them go ahead and burn the American Flag and make all of the statements they wish to make about how horrible we are. Do that just prior to the time that you have them deported to whatever Country their flag represents. There's no violence, no killing, no nothing involved but deportation.

Deport the flag burners and you solve two problems. One would provide them with a continued sense of pride in their own country where they could fly their flag in their front yard, side yard, back yard or where ever they wanted to fly it.

The second problem that would be solved by removing the disrespect to those men and women who died in wars while protecting our flag and the further disrespect to those of us who fought for it and are still alive.

If that's not a win win situation, I don't know what would be. Liberals may raise hell about that thought process but in the end, "I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag" does not have any addendum's to it that states "Unless I hate your Country and want to Push My Country's Ideology on Yours".

In any event, as I try to consolidate the editorials I think I've found a solution by posting them here and having Curt copy them for posting on the Cav site. I can't do both as it's simply too confusing. I'm 3 hours or more into this single post and I can't even think about trying to duplicate this on the other site.

So, if you don't like the flag burning solution, go on outside and burn the American Flag. If you do like it, let's get a leader involved and put a bill into Congress that makes flag burning by immigrants, an offense subject to deportation. Simple solution! No more discontent, no more anxiety, no more disrespect to all the Veterans who have fought and died for the Flag and the list reduces itself by 1 item and allows the next step to begin.

Don't you feel better now. Let's deport those sorry, traitorous, flag burning enemies of our Nation and get on with cleaning up the mess that is outlined on the list. Comments are appreciated.



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