Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Corrections and Thanks to Mark

I made an error in the last post and thanks to repeated historical help from Mark, I am now making the correction here.

Hamilton was not the President.  He was heavily involved in political matters and that involvement was the thing that brought Burr and Hamilton to odds with each other.

My original intent with this post surrounded the many traitors we've had to deal with since our beginning. The stimulant that brought all that to the surface came from an editorial that focused on Draft Dodgers and how that action was deemed by many to be the act of a coward or a traitor.

As detailed as historical comments need to be, I'm probably over my head here and should communicate these thoughts directly to those on my email list rather than putting it out on the net.

The amount of medication that I have to take for the brain swelling and other things, have side effects that make it difficult for me to accomplish these things with a clear head. Whether you describe the side effects as being woozy, knocked out, stoned, drunk or in Lah Lah Land, I think you get the idea. It's just tough to do.

Thanks again to Mark and apologies for the error.



  1. Tim this blog is excellent! My daughter visited over the 4th of July and told me that she had her boss read the printouts of this blog that she made! I agreed with her that you are one excellent writer!!!
    Going to the VHPA convention in about 2 weeks. I hope to meet some of your friends there! I will check in with your 11th Cav section and will be hanging around the 10th Cav (my first tour)and 101Abn (my 2nd tour) areas as well.

  2. Agree with Bernie. I'll be going to the Convention. We'll have a room on Thurs nite with a Blackhorse banner. Wish Tim could come.
    I'm Curt Lamber and flew with the good Mr. Butler in the Air Cav Troop.

    Hope to meet up with you so we can get Tims ears burning talking about him...ha!

    Did you know one of the TAC Officers in 70-19 named CW2 Laverne Smith?
