Sunday, February 19, 2012

Failed Blood Test and Increases in Medications.

First of all, I'd like to apologize for getting off topic. I failed a blood test and the level of medication (Phenytoin NA) in my blood stream has dropped to a level that is not acceptable. As a result of that, I've had to increase the dosage. When that happens, Newton's Law comes to visit and the "reaction" that follows is as predictable as the apple hitting the ground when it falls off the tree. To explain that as briefly as I can, I will say:

1. The golf ball sized tumor removed from the right side of my head has left an area that is void.
2. That part of my temporal lobe that was removed added to the size of the void.
3. That area is now filled with brain fluid instead of the right temporal lobe.
4. Blood pressure must be controlled to reduce the risk of stroke.
5. Medications for that causes a reaction that the Docs refer to as a "Meltdown".
6. Meltdowns are times when you lose control of many things.
7. Crying, loss of mobility and the exhaustion that comes with that are the most difficult reactions.
8. Additional medications are added to, "Take the Edge Off" of those times.
9. Those medications knock you out to a small degree.

That's about as simple as I know how to explain it. It's real embarrassing for me when that happens in public so I generally don't go out when I feel those times coming.

When those "feelings" are present, I generally stay at home and read the historical accounts from "Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal and World War II". I began doing that to gather information to submit to my 11th Armored Cav brothers who have a new web site that focuses on the Air Cav Troop, the unit I was assigned to after I left the 199th Light Infantry Brigade.

I process things differently now than I did prior to surgery and that difference causes me to have a different reaction to the daily news regarding "Iran, Illegal Immigration, sleeper cells, the push for Sharia Law and the prejudices toward Christians.

As you can see by my previous post, I have re-discovered that the media has screwed the pootch regarding the statistics of "our war". They would rather report the number of hippies protesting a particular battle than to accurately report the number of combatants "on both sides", casualties, objectives and results of that battle.

When I see that, I think of the Minister of Propaganda that Hitler had during the second world war when he reported lies to the German people or, worse than that, committed the "Sins of Omission" by telling them nothing.

In any event, I'm beginning to wonder if the focus here should not have been titled: "You should have seen this coming". It might as well have been titled: "It's here so let's get going".

I'll try to get back on topic and continue with Flight School and then Vietnam. Thanks for understanding and thanks especially to those who leave comments. It helps a great deal to know who is reading and what their thoughts or questions are.

1 comment:

  1. Tim take all the time you need! Although we all enjoy and love reading your blog and look forward to each new installment your health is much more important. Take all the time you need!!
    PS: Glad you enjoyed the pics.

