Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reviewing Posts

I'm feeling a bit of melancholy creeping in on me tonight.

I've really tried my best to keep all the time lines in order as it is important to me that you understand the skyrocketing rate of speed that my life was traveling after my Daddy died. The time frames are key to me but they are especially key to some of my family and friends who read this every week. There was a lot of ground covered from the date of his death and the first night I found myself in South Vietnam flying Nighthawk Gunships against the Dong Nghai Regiment of the Nort Vietnamese Army.

In the last two posts I discovered a bit that was missing as it relates to things that "were about to happen" and the time frames I was building to introduce those things to you. I'm only off by one summer but it was enough off the time line that I wanted to correct it as it is important as it relates to the path I'm taking with this story.

Gimme a break and cut me a little slack as I'm having one of those moments that the docs say is a function of radiation damage to the brain as well as the different paths that my audio and visual clues must take now that part of my right temporal lobe is history and can no longer do that job as it always did.

I'll be back in a bit. Will load up on meds as per doc's orders and fall into never, never land for a while until I get my strength back. TB 

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