Friday, November 14, 2014

Let's Blame This On Neil Young, "Almost Cut My Hair" and other protest songs.

Roger says that some people at the hospital would consider me to be a "Study Aholic". It wasn't a negative comment. It was a compliment that was made in appreciation for me giving him the source documents I used to dig up all the facts I uncovered through my studies of the Vietnam War.

I will be the first one to admit that I tore up the 93rd Congress and their method of undoing the Paris Peace Accords. I did that because they deserved it. I raised more hell about Jane Fonda, the SDS and all the protest marches but anyway you look at it, you have to call a spade a spade and I don't think that I've made any statements that I couldn't back up with dates, bills and the guilty parties.

Some people argue with their hearts but I try to debate things by demonstrating my position to be true. I'm not being hard headed but I will admit that I'm most anxious to hear any comment countering my position so I can open up the documents that I use to make my conclusions. It has been somewhat frustrating as there are so many out there that simply don't get it or understand. It cost me a friendship in the 80s but it didn't cost me my standards and that's a good thing.

Recently, Mike Rose came to town and we had a long talk about standards. I was trying to grow a pony tail and look like the warrior that Mel Gibson was in Brave Heart and The Patriot. My plan included buying some of that paint to put on my face so I could look like a crazy man when ISIS comes to town.

From that standpoint, it was well intended. From a standpoint of "Right Now" it was butt ugly and driving me crazy. I gave up on that, went to the barber shop and got a buzz cut. I went to Google, plugged into a lot of protest songs like "Almost Cut My Hair" and many others like the Animals "We Gotta Get Outta This Place" and John Fogerty's "Run Through The Jungle". I like the part where  he said "The Devil's On The Loose".

Even though I changed direction from looking like a mad man to being a mad man with a starched shirt and a buzz cut, I concluded that my standards stayed in tact and I would blend in better the way I've always been instead of looking like a crazy hippy. The more I thought about it, the more I liked being me. Despite my failure to accomplish my goal the way I initially thought I should, I realized that I had to think out of the box and find another path to do something about all of the things that are so screwed up today.

Even though we don't have protest songs like we used to, I still think that we should have large protest marches against unchecked immigration and the political correctness that prevents us from calling a spade a spade when it comes to these rag heads. With the recent results from the voting booths I think that America is pretty sick of it too.

For those of you that have kept up with some of the things I've written and some of the videos Steve Dupuy produced on Vimeo where I slammed the guilty parties, I've been thinking about asking him to produce another video of a protest song with me playing the guitar and singing about my thoughts. Tim Jr wrote the music years ago but don't know how to use words like "assholes" and "baby killers"
without getting into trouble. I'll work on that and maybe I can come up with something humorous like Ray Stevens used to write.

Friday is cleaning day and I have to get ready for Marilyn's arrival so I gotta go. Just needed to make a point about maintaining a standard while changing directions to achieve a goal. See y'all later. tb

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