Thursday, November 20, 2014

Amnesty, 180 degrees off course.

I've had all of this talk about amnesty that I can take.

I recently watched a documentary on the Military Channel that turned on the light bulb for me. It was titled: "When Hitler Invaded America". Talk about illegal immigration! That was pretty clear.

I'm not against immigration but I am totally against uncontrolled immigration. On second thought, I'm getting closer to a position that totally eliminates all immigration. Even hotels put out signs that say "Full" or "No Vacancy". 

I think the recent murders committed by a guy that had already been deported twice, pretty much makes my case. Not all of them are murderers but that isn't the question. The real question is: "Which ones are murderers".

Through the years, I've been asked my opinion about a number of difficult situations. Often times, my answer to questions that were extremely difficult to solve, was "don't do anything right now".  I always suggest that "time" is needed to make an intellectual decision especially for things that involve emotional situations.

I don't think illegal immigration should be considered as an emotional situation. Freedom is still there but trying to reach this Country has a methodology to it and to side step those procedures is illegal. Pretty simple. If the cop killer had been stopped at the border, the murders would never have taken place.

Now comes the question of "What if?". After that, we should find a follow up question that asks "When do we the people start"?

"What if" a very small percentage of illegal immigrants are murderers? We already know the answer to that but we certainly don't see that being talked about as much as it should be.

What if nothing changes and the flood of illegals continues to flow across the border? That's when the "When do we start" part of the equation begins.

The guy in Texas whose family member was killed had an answer that I liked a lot. He decided that he would put up signs and simply shoot those that came onto his property. After having a family member killed, I doubt that a jury of his peers would convict him of anything if he shot and killed the perps.

It's not just a few that are causing the problems. There are so many, we're actually spending 3 times more tax payer dollars taking care of them than we spend on Veterans that have been hurt defending our freedoms. What the hell is that all about and who in God's name set up that deal?

Lila Parton, a Lokota Indian face book friend that I connect with through the 11th Armored Cav, would probably have a few choice words to say about immigration.

I understand that the Japanese don't allow any immigration among certain barbarian groups that we aren't allowed to name without fear of offending them. It seems to me that if you deported all of the immigrant population that belongs to that group of murderers and Infidel haters, we wouldn't have any immigrant problem at all.

In any event, I'm pretty tired of all this crap. My cousin Mike sent a video of some idiot waving an ISIS flag at Berkley. I say that the best solution to the problem at Berkley is to shut it down and make it a homeless shelter for homeless Veterans.

Further to that, buy them a plane ticket instead of buying plane tickets for the family members of illegal aliens to come here so they can join their illegal families.

Ugh, it's hopeless. It's going to take a knock down drag out fight to stop this. History pretty much proves that. Make sure that your powder is dry. The fecal matter is getting closer and closer to the oscillating device.

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