Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Ride Seen Round The World

You guys remember the "Shot Heard Round The World"?  That was during the first American Revolution.

Yesterday, as I was watching the special report about the Office of Land Management where the government had snipers and an armed group of enforcers confronting the guy with 400 head of cattle that were grazing on State land, I couldn't help but notice all the people who were riding up on horses and supporting the family that was under siege. I couldn't help but view that as the Ride Seen Round The World. I wondered if this was Act 1, Scene 1 from the Second American Revolution.

There appears to be more and more complaining from Real Americans that they've had enough of this kind of thing. Despite the dismal situation existing in the media, they did report it. Despite the threats of armed intervention, the affected citizens didn't hold their comments. With Harry Reid's involvement, I wondered why there wasn't any mention at all of a possible "Election Recall". Don't they have the right to demand a new election? I always thought that was a hold card, so to speak, that gave the voters the right to change their vote when their elected representative failed to represent their wishes.

This morning, I read an email regarding the East Side of Detroit being 95% Arabic. I've become so accustomed to this kind of thing, I didn't even write down the number that was on some kind of welfare program or how many of those that drove their kids to school in their Escalades and Land Rovers.

I'm past the point of remembering how many illegal aliens are in prison or how many of them are there for murder, armed robbery, rape or other violent crimes. I did NOT however, fail to miss the fact that so many of the Land Management people were armed. I do remember an article that forbids citizens along the Southern border to carry arms even though there have already been several murders committed by those who are crossing the border illegally. As I considered all these things, I began to wonder why we haven't done more to rid our Country of these people.

Why do we see documentaries about Polygamy practiced in Utah by the Mormon Church members but nothing at all about the 3 or 4 wives claimed by the Arabs as "extended family members"?  I started smelling a rat years ago but haven't really been in any kind of physical shape to do anything about it except ventilate on this site or several military sites that I write on.

I had a vision several years ago that focused on Veterans finally standing up to all these things. I saw the 22.7 million Veterans finally giving up on the America we once had, and taking matters in to their own hands. I'm surprised that there weren't millions of them burning down buildings across America that housed these people and served as their training centers and propaganda platforms but at that time, W was in office and he didn't waste a second letting the world know that the enemy would "hear" our response.

I remember the day that we were told "We are no longer a Christian Nation". I have high hopes that we will hear the next guy say: "Welcome back to the Christian Nation known as the United States of America, One Nation, Under God".

Wouldn't it be great to have someone present a bill to Congress entitled "The Anti American Act" and that bill being focused on the people who do not aspire to our core beliefs and our history? I would love to see all members of every organization that violates our history, our laws and our way of life, deported.

I know I'm unelectable and not in any kind of shape to do anything other than deal with my post brain surgery, chemo and radiation stuff but I do enjoy the thoughts, sounds and sights of all these Anti Americans being deported and sent back to where ever they came.

I think I will leave you with that thought and ask you to visualize all Real Americans as a free people who have the capacity to either "recall their current elected officials" , demand their resignation or prosecution or do whatever needs to be done to enforce the American way of life.

GO, Uncle Sam!

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