Sunday, February 10, 2013

Understanding and Accepting our Situation

I am quite pleased to report that the readership here is quite pleased with the current direction of these posts. I previously mentioned that we have a new guy on board named Joe. Like many of the readers here, Joe flew helicopters in Vietnam and has both a good education and personal experiences in war.

He is, like most of us, not very happy with a number of things that we Americans are having to endure and he commented that reading some of my ramblings was like finding an "oasis". Whether we don't like being muffled by political correctness or being bashed by calling some of our current citizenry Mother Stabbers and Father Rapers, Joe got the point from day one.

He and I have something in common and before I continue with the story line, I wanted to share it with you all. He turned down a trip to the Air Force Academy just like I turned down my appointment to West Point. We elected to go to flight school and fight the war before it was too late to go. Some of you may categorize us as really stupid for tossing away an education like that but other, more military minded readers, will certainly understand.

Having said that, especially the part about education, I would like to throw in a point or two about history and get us back on track.

I would like to work in reverse and continue moving back in time and provide you with the facts of history instead of the "media reports" about history and how it has nothing to do with today. First point regarding history having nothing to do with today is this: "That's bullshit". It has everything to do with today.

Since I've already covered the history of those idiots like Hitler and others who wanted to take over the world, I'll keep moving backward in time and show you how nothing has changed much with the history of Man except his geography.

We will soon be approaching 100 years of history written here and since Hitler and the Grand Mufti or Jerusalem actually started in the 1930's, one might say that stuff has been going on a long time. With the world wide war on terror, only a blind person would not see that it's still going on. To demonstrate that, let's keep going back in time to the beginning.

In order to demonstrate these things, please feel free to google McDougal Littell or the "World History, Patterns of Interaction". You can start off on page 281 for this point as it starts off with the year 1095. I realize that's a big jump from the 1930's but it makes a good point about how many years have passed since this particular act of terror existed.

The year 1095 marks the time when Pope Urban II launched the First Crusade. It's purpose was to drive the Turks out of Anatolia and recover Jerusalem. There's a point for you to ponder. It almost sounds like an excerpt from a press conference that could have been made by Benjamin Netanyahu.

That Crusade was 918 years back. They didn't have alot of Intel reports back then and there were friendlies killed then just like the friendly fire deaths that exist in all the wars I can think of. Since I don't want to cram too much opinion into one post, I will simply say this: The point here has to do with taking back Jerusalem, NOT Crusaders killing Jews, Arabs, or Turks.

I will take a break now and leave you with this one point about history and the time frames involved here. In the year 1187, Saladin took back Jerusalem. The key phrase here is "Took Back Jerusalem". If you will just connect the dots and try to set up a concept of thought that will lead you toward today's day and time, you'll begin to see that SHIT has been happening for well over 1,000 years at this point of reference. More to come.

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