Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Don't Own A White Flag.

Recently, something happened that has stimulated me to voice my opinion about a number of things. They range from Veterans Affairs and go all the way to the things that we refer to as Being Politically Correct.

Personally, I think that the term Political Correctness is a catch phrase that in effect, forces us to hide the reality of things by changing the words. As an example of that, I will use Newt Gingrich's statement describing certain groups in our society as "Non Rotarian Individuals".

I am positive that the real description would be more effective. If you are wondering about that segment of society that Gingrich was referring to, please google the events that happened at the World Trade Center in New York on September 11th to find out who exactly he is referring to. Get the picture?

In any event, regardless of the thoughts some might have about Political Correctness and how that almost certainly "modifies" the descriptor when telling a story, one might conclude that the story teller is either afraid to use the real term or is simply in denial and can not accept the real names used that most accurately identifies the subject, person, place or thing. More than anything, I believe it's fear.

If you are afraid to use the real name, why are you afraid?

We've already reached a point where using real names like God, Jesus Christ and Christianity is banned in a zillion places. How can it possibly be? If it's okay to be a preacher in Chicago and say "God Damn America" and have that published all over the net, television and radio, how can it possibly be that we can't say "God Bless America" in our public schools?

I don't like any of those things but I  have reached a point where my big brother's counsel and definition regarding the word  "Acceptance", comes together and gives one a very specific definition of what acceptance really means. He did that in two stages and started off by telling me what Acceptance is NOT.

It's NOT approval, consent, permission, authorization, sanction, concurrence, agreement, compliance, sympathy,endorsement, confirmation, support, ratification, assistance, advocating, backing, maintaining, authenticating, reinforcing, cultivating, encouraging, furthering, promoting, aiding, abetting, or even liking what it is.

When he finished with his definition of what Acceptance ISN'T, he told me what it really is.

He started off by quoting Gertrude Stein who said: "A rose is a rose is a rose". He gave me another example from Popeye the Sailor Man, who said: "I yam what I yam". He then said that both of them understood acceptance. When he finished with that he gave me another example.

As he was giving me his last few words about acceptance, I visualized a guy holding a balloon full of helium in one hand and a steel ball in the other. As Leland continued with his explanations I conceptualized the guy letting go of the balloon and watching it fly up and away and at the same time, watching him drop the steel ball which immediately fell to the floor. This vision appeared to me while Leland was saying:

""When reality confronts our notion of what reality should be, reality always wins. Drop something while believing gravity shouldn't make it fall, and it falls anyway. We don't like this so we struggle with reality, become upset or turn away from it and become unconscious".

Having said these things to you today, rather than trying to tie in the Veterans Affairs thing, I'm going to bed as the medications I take for the radiation damage to my brain and my brain swelling medications have begun to take hold of me and put me in that zone where I'm just about to fall off my chair.

I will say that I'm surrounded by the Nation's Finest every time I go to the VA for treatment or follow ups and that the care I have received there has been so good, it simply runs off the chart and continues to rocket skyward. More tomorrow.

Thanks again to Leland. Steve Dupuy and the famous Bernard T Diable for the continued support and encouragement for me to continue with my thoughts about these posts and the many areas of concerns and history that I wish to share with all who have an open mind.

Above all things, thanks for identifying my frustrations as being something that can be traced to the foundation of my being that is explained by the fact that I don't have the white flag of surrender and will not roll over and cower in my fox hole.

Good night. .   



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