Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Stoned again, Parch messing with me and comment section not working

When I came in from supper last night and was sitting at the computer, I received a number of emails from guys that I flew combat with in Vietnam and guys that I went to flight school with. It kinda touches my heart to hear from them as they have replaced the World War II heroes that I had as a kid and stand as living heroes that I get to talk to on occasion. To name a few, let me say thanks so much to Craig, Billy, Doug and Bernie.

Needing to take my night time medications at a very specific time, I got off line, hit the medicine cabinet and took everything I'm mandated to take. After that, I decided to get ready for bed and watch a little tv until sleep took me. That was my first mistake. It didn't take long for the meds to hit and in an unusually short period of time "Mr. Stoned on Your Butt", came to visit.

I've talked about the meltdowns that have been kicking me around lately but I don't think I've said much about the medications that I have to take when that happens. One of them is called Lorazepam and being a guy who has a very low tolerance to drugs, let me say that he will Kick Your Butt every time. I looked on the warning statement that comes with the prescription but did not find anything about "knocking you on your ass".

In any event, as I sat there stoned watching tv, ole Parch raised his head and whispered in my ear: "Get off your butt and go over there to make a post to say thanks to the guys for sending the emails. I was only in the first stage of being stoned and I would guess that it was probably 30 minutes or so after I had taken the meds but I continued to think about everybody especially Craig.

I flew alot of Nighthawk missions with him and, despite alot of missions I flew with Terry Femmer (rip), Craig became someone who, in my eyes, was the best night combat operations pilot I ever flew with.

In any event, I continued to sit there stoned as Leroy Washington Jones at a free dance on Saturday night. Before long, Parch's earlier suggestions for me to post a thank you note, took over completely and I got up to post a thank you note to let them know how much I appreciated hearing from them.

About that time, the meds were in high production and my ass was really draggin'. As I staggered toward the computer, it was draggin so bad that if I was walking down the beach it would have covered up my foot prints.

When I made it to the computer, I sat there and started turning on the wireless mouse, key board and main frame. It's a touch screen computer with a 21" monitor that Tim Jr bought me to replace the smaller lap top screen. It's quite nice but I don't know how to work it yet as well as I worked my laptop that I had for several years.

In any event, by the time I managed to get everything up and running, Mr. Parch showed up again. He said: "I told you to do that an hour and half ago and now, you're so stoned, God only knows what you'll write".

Knowing Parch was right, I began to think about sending this anyway and either telling Craig or asking Craig if it would be okay for me to write about an all night long Nighthawk mission we flew together near Phan Thiet. That mission took place in the summer of 1970 and I'm sure that he will remember it as it took all night long to accomplish the mission. It was the longest Nighthawk mission I had ever flown as a co pilot and it took 3 tanks of fuel to do it.

Despite those thoughts, and an insatiable desire to say thank you, my eyes were heavy and I figured that he was right and that I'd better shut it down and try again in the morning. Parch was still whispering in my ear and giving me hell for not listening to him earlier.

Now, it's 11:34 a.m. the following morning and I took the morning meds which, ironically, have now knocked me on my butt again. The up side of that surrounds the fact that I have one hell of a doctor's excuse if I screw this up...............so, I did it anyway.

I better shut it down now before I fall off this chair and end up using the floor as the location for my nap. I apologize for interrupting the story and getting off subject but sometimes you have to stop and add a note about the things that are going on between postings. One of the readers told me that it was not a bad thing because it allowed him to have the sense that he was here during the posting and actually taking part in what was going down. Back on Super Senior days soon. Thanks again guys. Ya'll are the best.




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