Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Last appointment, T minus 48 hours

My last appointment at the VA hospital will come at 1 pm Friday. I'll have to come back on a once a month schedule to insure that the cancer is not spreading but I will NOT have to take chemo during this off period. I'm done with chemo.

I've started gaining weight and am up to 188 pounds. That's only 43 pounds lost from day one of radiation and chemo. I can stay at 188 as far as I'm concerned even though, at 6'3", I may look a bit thin.

Thanks to all for putting up with the madness of the ten month long battle. Yeee Haaa!



  1. Hi Tim;

    I hope everything went super for you on that last visit! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!


  2. I'm sure all is well. Just saw this on the local news. You've probably seen and heard about this treatment but thought I'd send it anyway.
    Allons bro

