Friday, April 30, 2010

Brainscan completed today.

Tim Jr spent 6 hours hauling me all over hell's half acre today but I finally made it through the catscan with contrast. Tim says the contrast needle is bigger than the regular needle they use for the typical blood test. I had 4 "stabs" today and am still wearing the little gauze pads and band aid like scotch tape to affix the gauze.

Spent from 8 am to roughly 9:20 doing my benefit thing with the Disabled American Vets office here in town. I understand that all the paper work has been completed and I'm finished proving that I was in Vietnam and Cambodia as well as some of the missions I went on. That's been months and months of agony. Always wanted to ask one of them: "what were you doing on August 12th of 1970"?

I have another blood test and Oncology hearing Monday but will finished with all of that by maybe 3 pm and can return to the much improved day to day life of being off chemo. Man, it is so cool to not puke!

That's it so far. Will let you know what's up when I get the word.


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