Friday, July 31, 2015

Body Count

I have been disappointed in the news media lately and I don't think they've done a good job pointing out the futility of ISIS declaring war on us. I've written a ton of posts about "The war of attrition" and tried my best to point out the death toll of our enemies compared to the number of our forces killed in action. For the most part, I focused on World War II and the Vietnam War. In one post I spent a lot of time on the Paris Peace Accords and the Article that stated "A cessation of hostility and withdrawal of troops". In any consideration, that is a win. I also focused on the 93 rd congress and the War Powers Resolution. There is no doubt in my mind that the Congress caused the fall of South Vietnam, not our military.

The military channel had done a terrific job in pointing out the futility of Hitler's dream to conquer the world and kill all the Jews. Their "Empire of Evil" series has been most informative. Apparently, the Gruntlicks don't watch too much television because, if they did, even they would figure it out.

I have to give Yamamoto credit for saying" Behind of blade of grass there is a gun". We didn't even have tv back then but he was smart enough to know that you better not invade America because you will get your ass handed to you. Before it was all over, Ole Bombs Away Lemay was killing them by the tens of thousands. I assume the Gruntlicks missed World History 101.

Now, the point I want to make about my frustration is this: Even though we had a lot of men killed at Pearl Harbor, the Japs lost a bazillion people after that. Now, even though we are way past 911, there is a new methodology in their madness. Most recently, we've had Chattanooga. Before that there was Garland, Texas where the score was Texans 2, Gruntlicks 0.

:Despite that, one of the things the Feds said after Chattanooga had to do with their efforts to insure there were no Vigalante groups forming to take their revenge.  I'm not sure why they wouldn't want that because it seems to me that it would be the best bang for the buck. No law enforcement guys getting killed, no payroll wasted, no ammo consumed and no officers arrested for killing those poor Gruntlicks.

If you look closely at the Google definition of Vigilante and plug in the results of them fighting during the Revolutionary War, one might see how wonderful they were. I do.

In any event, I think it's time to have a really nice body count. Maybe it could happen on the border where so many prayer rugs have been found or maybe in one of their Military Operations, Strategies, Quartermaster, Uniforms and Equipment buildings. Read the capital letters only to see what that spells.

In any event, be prepared to act like our Militia did in the 1700s. Times a waistin'.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Fears of a Father

I never thought that I would be fearful of the thought of Tim Jr. going to drill week end at the Navy. Well, that's exactly what happened to me. I never had a concern when he served in Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom because, as a veteran, I knew about his duty station on board an aircraft carrier and how remote it was that he might be hurt in combat. They have more escort ships and defensive weapons than you might imagine and I knew that only a fool would try to take them on.

Now, with him safely home, why in the hell would I be concerned about his safety when he reports for drill week ends every month? Well, the answer is quite simple. It has to do with immigration. The way I see it, "no Gruntlicks, no Gruntlick problems". I know the liberals will roll over with that statement but typically, they don't have a dog in that hunt anyway.

Remember the saying: "The Good Old Days". How about, "IF it ain't broke, don't fix it". Those are so common place in our society even political correctness can't screw those up.

I was watching an old Audie Murphy cowboy movie yesterday and at the end of the movie, when all the bad guys had been shot, he said: "There are a lot of tools needed to clear the West but I never thought how important this one would be". With that, he held up his six shooter.

For some reason, the report on tv news that informed us that investigators were doing everything within their power to insure that Vigilantes weren't forming to take vengeance on the local Gruntlicks, really got my attention. Later on, that's when I watched Audie Murphy kill the bad guys and call his gun a TOOL. I liked it. Right after that, the Governor of the State of Louisiana announced that OUR National Guard would be armed. I wanted to announce that the Vigilante group already is armed but I figured I would leave that alone.

In any event, this is Louisiana and we don't take no shit. After all, we live next door to Texas and they, for sure, don't take any. We almost HAVE TO feed em to the gators just to keep up with the Texas boys and girls who, as I understand it, either feed them to the pigs or kill them with rounds that have been dipped in pig blood.

I  hope ya'll feel better now. After jotting this down, I do. Have a nice week and be sure to keep your powder dry.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Relief from Chatanooga

As I was watching the coverage of the shooting at the NOSC in Chatanooga, I began to have a sense of concern about my own son who works at the NOSC down here. Then, as I continued to hear the report from the FBI agent who was being interviewed on tv, I heard him use a word that gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling.

He said they were wanting to insure that no Vigilante group  or groups were being formed to respond to or take vengeance upon the Gruntlicks in the area. It has been a long time since I've heard that word and I decided to take a look at it's definition so I went to google and took a look. You might want to do the same.

It reminded me of the days during the American Revolution when we neither had a government nor an Army. As I thought about the first Boston Masacre, it pissed me off that I even described it as "The First". As I thought about it, I concluded that the "Militia" eventually took such a large toll on the enemy troops that were trying to kill us all, I began to view them as Vigalantes.

In any event, it's been a while since I've been on here and I just wanted to share a thought with you that might help you see that you are not without help. Your neighbors and friends probably own more guns than one would imagine. These punks haven't seen the kind of thing that Yamamoto knew about before Pearl Harbor. YES, we have a gun behind every blade of grass and more than likely, we're going to shove it up your ass and pull the trigger.

Ya'll rest easy now, ya heah!