Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Secret To Winning The War On Terror Is A Duck

I've been thinking about this Duck. This may sound a little warped to some of you but if you stop a minute and think about the duck that looks like a duck, swims like a duck and flies like a duck, you may remember that everybody said:" It's A Duck". That's the one I'm talking about.

Trying to connect the dots between winning the war on terror and a duck may be difficult to do but if you think about the duck in terms of political correctness, you'll have to agree with me that the duck survived but the pig didn't.

It's my opinion that somewhere along the line, the pig became an animal that was described as Swine, a dirty animal. Before all that happened, a breakfast that contained bacon and eggs was as American as apple pie. Maybe more. I've had bacon and eggs way more times than I've had apple pie. As a matter of fact, I've had more ham sammiches  than apple pie.

I've come to the conclusion that folks who don't like bacon and eggs just need to shut up and realize that they are not in the majority. Unfortunately, they seem to feel more comfortable with killing you if you don't agree with that.

Stop a second and think about God being taken out of the schools and court houses. How did that happen? I've heard all kinds of theories about that but I've concluded that political correctness is behind it all. There's more evidence of that than anything else.

Back in the day, it was One Nation Under God, In God We Trust, So Help Me God. They even have a song "God Bless America". It's everywhere through out our history. FDR, on the day he declared war against the Japanese Empire, said that we would win through to victory: "So Help Us, God".

They say that Politics, Sex and Religion are 3 ways to start an argument. I'm not saying that you have to go to church or anything else about what you HAVE to do. I was raised in a church, attended Catholic schools for 10 years before I went to a public school and my money says "In God We Trust". It's on the back of a 100 dollar bill I have in my wallet. I just checked it out.

It seems to me that those who refuse to believe that we are One Nation Under God, should not be paid with money that says In God We Trust. Those who don't think we are a Christian Nation either don't know anything about our history or they want God to go the way of the pig. Apparently, they don't know anything about the DUCK. He survived it but they attacked the pig anyway.

In my mind, at some point in time, political correctness raised it's ugly head and gave everybody a peek at it's "hold card", when they refused to call Immigration by it's proper name which has now become: "Invasion". Don't believe that? Remember hearing about "Blitzkrieg". That happened during a time where the duck was still a duck but the pig was already being called a dirty animal. We stayed with the duck and won the war.

I'm going to give you a little tip on how to maintain your course during the war on terror. Get that sticky note, write "REMEMBER THE DUCK" on the front of it, then stick it on your refrigerator door.

When you do that, you may want to consider putting God back in the courthouse and public schools and deport everybody that raises hell about it. Did you get the connection between "God in the courthouse and "raises hell about it?". That's a hint for you. Everything seemed to be pretty good until they did that. IF the saying: "Don't fix it if it ain't broke" makes any sense at all, then "IF it's broke, fix it" should make some sense to people who have sense. If you don't think it's broke, go somewhere else.

To close this, let me say that "Remember the Duck" is kinda like a secret password or something like that. When everybody remembers the duck, we will be well on our way to saving the pig and rooting out the problems we now have.

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