Tuesday, March 4, 2014

This blog is now available on VIMEO under "Tim Butler".

I've started to provide information about the Vietnam War on video. Let me give you a quick reference to see it. You can google Vimeo and find a link to "Search Videos". If you click that link you can find a Search block where you can put in "Tim Butler". There are 20 pages of videos there but mine are pretty easy to find. They list them starting with the oldest posts and going to the newest ones. That means that I'm on the last page which just happens to be page 19 right now. You will see a picture of a old guy sitting in a Lazy Boy recliner. That's me and that's Episode 1. The next video shows a picture of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment flag that I had framed and hung on my wall. That's episode 2. This was started to respond to former Chief Warrant Officer Bill Reinhardt, 5th WOC class of 70-05 at Wolters, 70-07 at Rucker. He wanted to visit class rooms and teach students what really happened in Vietnam. I think it's a great idea but I will be surprised if he pulls it off. I hope you enjoy those. Let me know what you think. Comments, replies, suggestions and thoughts are most appreciated. It's long overdue for somebody to kick back at those commies that twisted the truth to fit their agenda.

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