Friday, January 24, 2014

Political Correctness Can Kiss My Ass

As you can see, I'm doing a bit better now. No more pain in the eye but nothing else on the books to get it squared away so I can see with my right eye. No surgery scheduled but I'm hoping something can be done. No, I'm not planning on flying anymore nor am I thinking about another motorcycle. I've been thinking about this PC crap that doesn't allow anyone to say anything about anybody for fear it will be offensive.

Having said that, let me say that the Political Correctness crap hasn't effected or infected my brain. I gotta new game I'm gonna play and it involves a movie camera and personal history lessons from me explaining all this crap.

After years of study I have concluded a whole lot of stuff about this appeasement garbage, the evil process that goes with it. I went all the way back to the beginning and studied everything I could about the things that brought about the American Revolutionary War, who had to do what to win it and a whole lot of other things that followed after that. It's been quite interesting but to get the word out to as many as possible, I decided that you tube was the best way, especially for those who haven't had the time to dig up all the information I have or those who skipped school when they taught these things.

Y'all just be patient, we are working on it as fast as we can. We set up the movie studio, shot our first test run and realized we didn't have enough light. We bought more tripods and some reflector lights but they were stolen from my storage room before we had the opportunity to do "Take 2". It was only $75.00 worth of lighting but it has caused delays in getting all of the lighting and sound issues addressed. I'm working on it.

Y'all get ready, Professor Tim is coming to school and he's got a lot of source documents to prove his points. There will be a test but it won't be given by me. Keep your powder dry.



  1. Welcome Back Tim!


  2. Ditto on Curt's comment!!
    So very glad that you are feeling better Tim !

