Sunday, August 19, 2012

More shock, rage, adrenaline and vengeance.

I've written several posts to my buddies on the Air Cav site about a recent situation that has literally knocked me down and out but I thought I needed to explain it here so you won't have to wonder why I've been missing and gotten away from my work to continue building the Every Vet site. I have a bit of sad news that will explain it all.

My dear Aunt Margie, one of my Aunts that took care of me when I was a diaper wearing baby, was attacked by a mid 20's black perp as he forced his way into her house to rob her. She's 86 years old, a full sixty years older than the perp. She's in the hospital now, in real good hands, being taken care of by one of her sons with another one coming in tomorrow.

She's suffering from 3 broken ribs and is covered from  head to toe with bruises and contusions that resulted from her being knocked down and dragged from her front door, down the hall to her bedroom and then thrown into a closet like a piece of baggage. She's been the angel of my life since my momma died and the Aunt that lives closest to me.

I don't think she will ever be able to return to her home but despite the loss of her entire Universe, I'm thankful that she wasn't killed, raped, tortured or any number of other things that the dregs of society have proven to be capable of doing.

For those of you who are familiar with Shreveport, be advised that this happened close to the corner of Youree Drive and Southfield. To my cousin Andrea, this is not far from our old house on Atlantic and even closer to Uncle Charles and Aunt Grace's old house.

For those of you who have been reading these posts for a long time, you might remember the stories I told about the 7 McInnis Uncles that served in World War II. My Aunt Margie married my Uncle Parker. Uncle Parker took care of momma while I was still living in South Louisiana and he was always there for her. Aunt Margie helped me through those times right after momma died and she's very dear to me.

In any event, I've personally interviewed everybody anywhere close to her house including some wonderful neighbor's that have checked in on her regularly. My hopes that a camera was mounted on the old post office building were false hopes. It's no longer occupied by the post office and the cameras are gone. I went across Youree Drive and interviewed every store owner in a small mall there to see if they had cameras. No luck.

I guess I over did it yesterday and between the emotional upset and all of the physical effort and strain of walking from store to store, I ended up going home a complete physical and emotional wreck.

The shock from this took me back to that day in December of 1970 when I heard the words "They killed Dan and Blick". The shock was the same and so was the emotion that came with rage, adrenaline and vengeance to kill. I never wanted to kill anybody as badly as I wanted to kill him at that minute.

Unlike that day in 1970, Major Wulff was no where around but Tim Jr and Kristin were. So was Steve Dupuy, Ronnie Hunt and two neighbors of mine. Tim and Kristin sat me down and defused a really bad situation that was only further complicated by the fact that the perp is still on the loose and I didn't have a target to kill or at least torture to a point where he would have wished he was dead.

Despite those horrible thoughts, I rested well last night thanks to Kristin. She found some meds that I had in my medicine cabinet and had me take a double dose to knock me out. I felt good enough today to renew my investigation and go back through the neighborhood to talk to neighbors.

I'm very pleased to know how many detectives and police officers showed up at her house when she managed to get in the 911 call. Even though she'd been locked in the closet and had 3 broken ribs, she managed to find an old shotgun barrel which she used as a pry bar to open the door and escape from the closet that the perp turned into her prison cell.

I will not do anything illegal but I am having a difficult time doing nothing. I can easily visualize myself using that shotgun barrel as a tool to break his every rib in his body and then use it like a baseball bat to totally destroy his crotch. I know that thinking about those kinds of things aren't illegal but I honestly don't see anything wrong with that. I know it would be illegal but so too are his crimes against my Aunt and our entire family. I think I'll make a deal with my family that has an "IF" in it. That deal is as follows:

IF he is caught and sentenced to jail long enough for every living McInnis family member to live out the rest of their lives without fear of him being on the street, I will do absolutely nothing.

I'll even go one better than that. If he gets life without chance of parole until he's the same age as Aunt Margie is now, I'd be willing to do nothing at all and let the law take its course. That would be roughly 61 or 62 years in prison and I think that's more than fair. I also don't care if it isn't fair because I get to make the rules on what I'm willing to do and not do.

I know my Big Brother will not be happy with this but I want to say something about that now.

Everybody in our family, you and Tommy Mayeaux included, talked me out of going to San Antonio to kill the son of a bitches that killed our sister in the hit and run car wreck that took her life after 9 days of suffering. I've regretted that decision every day of my life and wish I had gone anyway.

I guess there's just a point in some people's life where things are so horrible that law and order doesn't apply and emotionally, the only thing that brings peace is a pile of dead perps. They are still on the street and I'm still over here wondering why and the hell I didn't go over there and kill both of them.

In any event, I needed to say this to everybody so they would understand that I'm really okay and will be back to work on the Every Vet project but I'm really upset about the situation here and how my town has fallen into the same pit that produces names like Trevon Martin.

Before you close the blog, look at the top of the page and see where it says: "The new neighborhood watch". That's no longer a joke.   


1 comment:

  1. Tim.....How are things going with your Aunt?
    Love ya Bro

