Saturday, August 25, 2012

I feel like I'm surrounded

It's one hell of a reality check to wake up one day and realize that you are surrounded by the lowest form of humanity that our society can produce.  This has been going on in a lot of our larger cities for quite some time but it's finally caught up to me and it's been real close and personal. I'm pissed and I intend to do something about it.

For most of my adult life, I was in the field every day and on the road every week. I've been to every small town around the Ark La Tex and in most of the larger ones including Houston, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Atlanta, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Birmingham, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Portland  and Chicago. Until now, I never really felt a sense of fear or danger from the human garbage that roam our streets.

I'm just now getting to a point in my post cancer life where I feel like I can get back in the game and do something positive to make a difference. Despite that, I'm beginning to wonder if we've reached a point where that's going to be almost impossible to achieve without some super human feat of strength that I don't have. It's frustrating and concerns me a great deal as I know I will need some help getting things organized to a point that will really make a difference..

I know that the courts don't like the phrase "The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back" but recently, I met the straw.

It wasn't Aunt Margie's attacker, it wasn't the guy that robbed the bank where I used to do business, it wasn't the thief that's been syphoning my gasoline nor was it the guy that was caught attempting to burglarize my neighbor's storage room.

It was a neighbor who lives on the street adjacent to mine. She's given me a sense of being surrounded and with that,  became the one that places her in the position as: "The Straw that broke the camel's back".

You may wonder how a woman could do that to me instead of some Trevon looking, hoodie wearing gangster. Sometimes you don't have to be carrying heat to cause fear. Some carry a mental state of mind that is as dangerous as anything I can think of.

Remember the Hitler Brown Shirts? Only history has been able to clearly identify groups like that as the most dangerous kind of group. You have to look for them, be on the look out and be Ever Vigilant for the signs that they are here and near.

I am informed enough to know about the specific break ins in my neighborhood and comfortable enough with that information to realize that my feelings aren't feelings that are made from some emotional sense of things. These are hard core facts that have already been reported to the cops and then presented to those of us who are property owners here. That's evidence and again, not something that can be classified or considered to be anything other than the realities that exist here.

With all the information available to us in today's world of information, I ask myself, "How in God's name can so many people ignore so many warnings and so much evidence"? Even the Europeans make fun of us now. Despite the thousands of miles that separate us from them, even they know how bad things are becoming over here.

It's times like these when I wish I had already spent the time and energy to move forward with my efforts to organize every Veteran in the entire Country into one really huge voting block of 22.7 million Veterans and probably two or three times that number when you add their families..

If "We the People" really makes any sense and the power of the vote is really the determining factor that we the people have to insure our laws are laws that protect the good ones from the bad ones, then shame on me for not accomplishing more than the thoughts of getting all that done.

I hear complaints on the television news every day. I read it in the newspaper and see it on the net. I see statistics regarding a number of things that happen here every day, every week and every month, year after year after year. I see organizations that are seditious in nature. I don't understand how they can exist after they have proven to be so anti American and so committed to the destruction of our Country. I plan to change that and I'm going to need a lot of help.

I've studied the American Revolution and paid careful attention to the interferences of many politically and economically motivated foreign powers that came to this Continent and this Country during it's infancy.

Long before the Brits invaded New York, the Acadians, who we refer to as Cajuns, were being deported and enslaved from North America. They are now my in laws, my first cousins and my dear friends from my birth to this day. If Rule Number 1 is "Don't piss off the Aircraft Commander", Rule Number 2 is "Don't screw with my Family".

If you do the math you will see that there's been a whole lot of pushing and shoving long before Paul Revere made his ride. Nothing has changed except "time".

It seems that we have been a target for everyone from a British King, the Spanish, the French, the Germans, the Japanese and now the lone individuals who simply walk in or fly into the Country. I conclude that it's easier to simply walk in than to show up in New York harbor with an invasion fleet. With that conclusion I say: "Thank God for our military".

With so many problems and such a fine system of democratically elected choices from the people, how in the hell did we end up with so many enemies here that are still free to roam the streets?

I say it's due to the fact that we are still a relatively young Country and aren't yet finished with the formation of things that are needed to insure a continuation of the things that made America a great nation of freedom seeking men and women.

I also say that it's time to clean house and time to do it in a real clear manner and in Plain English. This politically correct garbage is part of it and I plan to knock the politically correct methodology off the map. Study your cuss words cause you'll need them later.

As an example of that, try to remember "The War Powers Act" or "The Civil Rights Act". Those are pretty simple phrases and most of us remember them. If you do, how about "The Shame on Your Ass Act"? That would make our founding father's proud, especially those that served in the military.

As an example of the "Shame on Your Ass Act", try to see a law in place that had real teeth in it that addressed those who did anything to weaken or dissolve our Country. I'm talking about the Country that says we are One Nation Under God. If you try to undo that, you would be guilty of violating the Shame on Your Ass Act and you would be deported immediately and deported with prejudice.

The great thing about NOT running for any office surrounds the fact that I don't have to do a damn thing that's politically correct. I can call an Asshole an Asshole, a Raghead a Raghead and a God hater a God hater and that's exactly what I intend to do. I could care less about the ACLU or any other group that doesn't like the way I think or the way I write. Instead of one preacher here who says: "God Damn America", I will say God is going to Damn YOU for taking him out of the focus we've always had for Him".

Having said these things I will close by saying that I am not ready to begin as I don't have the proper legal papers filed yet but when I do, I'm going to start asking for donations to help me get the computers bought and a staff built.

I hope that hasn't been taken but that's not going to be my department anyway. We will figure it out and we will get it done. I'm firm in my conviction that it needs to be focused upon the Veterans because any way you look at it, we are always the ones that have to clean up the messes that these pieces of garbage leave behind. Whether it's fighting or dying, the military always ends up being the main tool that solves the really big problems.

Thanks for putting up with the rambling.




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