Sunday, November 7, 2010

Helicopter Pilots Reunion

The 5th Warrant Officer Candidate Class of 70-05 had a character among it's ranks named Howard Modjeski. Howard survived the war, returned home as a hero and is still flying. He suggested a reunion and I think it's a great idea.

Our fearless, former leader of the pack, lives in Kansas City with other graduates who are spread out from Florida to Hawaii. There are two that are in the Chicago area (Scott Reed and Steve Eide). I've lost contact with Mike Morris but I think some of the California boys might know where he is as well as Art McGee.

I think we ought to pick a point somewhere that would be easy and cheap for all to meet. When I think about Chuck Olsen and Bruce Marshall, two guys who would have to come from Calfornia and Hawaii, I think Dallas because that's a non stop from a lot of places.

Hot Springs, Arkansas is a neat place and it's sorta centrally located in the country and certainly not far for me and Bernard T Diable, our old HMFIC. Howard has a Beechcraft and might find two passengers willing to pay some fuel expense from his area of the world. That would be Doug Womack from the Balitimore area and Bouncin' Billy Reinhardt from Pennsylvania.

Anybody out there have any ideas?


1 comment:

  1. Great idea Tim. Count me in!...Thanks for including me.
    Hot Springs..Dallas...wherever.
    The Class of 70-05 was truly the best and I am honored to be included.

