Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sorry about no postings

Am taking a new drug that stops siezures and strokes. Really knocks the sox off a guy but I'm trying to manage that as best I can. Just don't have the focus I need right now as I'm pretty beat up with fatigue from all the 1,000 mg per day doses. Boss said he was going to get me some help and I can back off the work schedule as a result of that.

More later.



  1. Keep hangin' tough there Tim!! You're a friggin' 2 percenter and you've beat back the beast.......and you survived flying helicopters in Vietnam. Not a bad run you've had my friend.

    Blue 37

  2. We're all with you Tim!!! I pray for your fast recovery from this temporary setback. Shannon sends you a BIG hug.


  3. I REALLY miss Ralph & Kacoo's marinated crab claws but more than that I miss enjoying them with my friend. Hope to see you soon.

    Jim Kilinsky

  4. So, you look pretty Snazzy & Spiffo in your dark suit and big red tie. But then there are those dangling fingers instead of wrapped and holding a roll of dimes capped with your thumbs like the proper straackt soldier I taught you to be. Bernie D. would have been all over you like white on rice. But then again you were always relaxed! Seriously, you hang in brother, and let me know if there is any way I can help.
    All the Best,
