Thought I'd attempt to send a picture of the rail yard in Leesville. Don't know if this is going to work but here's a shot at it. This is just a couple of miles from Ft. Polk where I took basic training.
I'd love to see the photo if you can get it posted. I too went to Ft. Polk for basic in March of 67. Leesville was really a trip at night as I remember we had one weekend pass at the end of basic, and if memory serves me correctly Leesville was more of a combat zone than anything we saw in basic. (joking) Bernie
I'd love to see the photo if you can get it posted. I too went to Ft. Polk for basic in March of 67. Leesville was really a trip at night as I remember we had one weekend pass at the end of basic, and if memory serves me correctly Leesville was more of a combat zone than anything we saw in basic. (joking)