Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 of withdrawl

I'm still a little weak but am not yet experiencing the old "hug the bowl" maneuver. Quite pleased about that. I have 21 days to go to my very last chemo period. Man, will I be glad to be rid of all that. This wasn't as painful as the brain surgery but it sure has lasted longer.

I recall roughly 6 weeks to heal from the trauma of the surgery but here I am still dealing with the agony called chemo. In any event, I've completed all of the chemotherapy except for the last one.

I've pretty much been staying in bed or on the couch since Friday. For some reason, taking those Ondansetron tablets and being still seems to keep the nausea down. On the other side of that, sometimes nothing more than standing up brings on the nausea. Ugh!

I'm hangin tough. Almost to the finish line.


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