Friday, January 29, 2010

Last day of chemo till the 23rd

Have an appt at the hospital today. Last hit of chemo comes at 3 pm and then a break till the 23rd. Am ready to be off this phase as it's been the toughest.

Sick this morning but not like Monday.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chemo Update

Told by Dr. Haddad that I must go through two more periods of chemo. One will start 25 days from tomorrow the last will start 30 days after that. Would rather have someone beat me with a whip than endure two more sessions but I still have to do it.

Despite that, I'm going south during the 25 day off period. I need to get some excersize as my legs are very week. For the most part they attribute that to spending all this time in bed and on the couch. Spirits are still up but I'm sure tired of the schedule and all the nausea.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No mug hugging today.

Am back on a more regimented schedule. I'm measuring cereal again, watching the clock carefully to insure that I take the Ondansetron exactly 30 minutes after breakfast. Also clock watching on chemo input.

As soon as I finish chemo I get back in the bed. It's 5:10 pm right now and I'm still in pj's.

Better today than yesterday.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Don't know what happened yesterday.

My first day back on chemo was not good. It easily marked the "largest" stomach episode I've had since I've begun this double dosage chemo. In that light, yesterday was the benchmark of sick.

Don't know what I would have done without Kristin as she came in from work and arrived before Tim Jr could get here from the Reserve Center.

They called the hospital to find out their opinion. My neice Paige, has been a Godsend as she's a nurse there and probably should be a doctor.

Kristin cleaned up the mess and discovered no evidence of Temzolomide capsules so they decided that I had digested all the pills before I hit the thunder mug. With that in mind she went to the drug cabinet and pulled out the Ondansetron and two other tablets that are used to stop the stomach eruptions. They worked and by 4 o'clock, I was able to walk without puking.

Tim Jr called this morning to advise he was going back to the VA to get my chemo bidness lined out. He should be here by noon. So far, I'm not sick today. I'm down to 204 pounds from 231 and I can't seem to get back to the "bulk up" numbers the Oncologist wanted me to achieve. I've tried really hard but I can't seem to eat anything beyond 1/4 or 1/2 portions of a meal.

Aside from that, I'm experiencing some imbalance in my equilibrium. Don't know what to think about that as it may be a result of weakness more than the right temporal lobe loss from surgery. It may also be a result of depth perception loss from only having one eye that works. The right eye is gone.

How bout this: "I'm happy be alive even if I'm a one eyed half brained weight losing combat vet.

Listened to Barack Osama's freeze on spending this morning and was wondering how that was going to hamper veteran's benefits. Perhaps we should pass a freeze on all new spending during his administration.

It's amazing how the war on terror is effecting everything including veteran's benefits. Maybe we should change our budget to transfer all foreign aid of anykind and give it to the military to fund nukes aimed at everybody who has proven to harbor or aid terrorists.

One dirty bomb in the U.S. or another terrorist attack could be followed by the destruction of all terrorist States. Taliban claimed responsibility this morning for another attack. Seems logical to me. Kinda like World War II and the strategy we used successfully to stop the fanatics back then. We should listen to the lessons we learned from them from that time in our history where suicidal maniacs were all over the world attempting to take over the world.

Oh well. Mighty confusing times. I'm for nuking and bringing everybody home to watch it on tv instead of fighting in the field. Just try and remember the result of the nuke. When it was dropped, the war was over! There's my solution to all these problems including the war on terror and also, the economy.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Up-Chuck Olympics on P-vania Street

Well, Pop is back on chemo today. And the Temolozide monster swiftly put boot in ass. We currently have nausea in check. Cancer is a bastard but Butler Sr. is off of R&R and back in the theatre of operations fighting the good fight. Take it easy on the phone calls and let the Big Guy get a little shut eye. Much love to the church of whats happenin now........ Jr.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Back on line.

Puter been down for over a week. Glad it's back. Lots of catching up to do.

I start my last chemo phase Monday morning at the hospital. This should be it. It's time to return to the "living". Feeling better this go round than last. Looking forward to taking that last hit of chemo...............

Tim Sr.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Doc came to visit.

I'm feeling really good today. Despite the fact that I'm in my worst time period of withdrawl, I've oddly missed the bowl huggin' that came last month. I'm in really good spirits and don't have enough nausea to even say it's nausea.

Jay came to visit yesterday and spent two hours with me. It marks the first time in months that I've been able to intellectually engage in some pretty meaningful conversations regarding work. I guess, more than anything, I've been pretty home sick for all my buddies at work. Was like a breath of fresh air. Feelin' mighty good for a chemo withdrawl ole fart.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nausea and Dehydration

Welcome to Temzolomide withdrawl and a shot of dehydration. Sick this morning and weak.

Kristen bought some gator aide kind of thing for that and I drank some at 3 pm and almost immediately felt better. What a daughter in law!

In a sense, I'm glad it's here. I've been feeling good during the first few days off chemo and am greatful for that but I've been on pins and needles just waiting for the sick to get here. Now that it's here, I'm not really going to do much of anything differently except be anxiety free from the wait. I announce this as the next to the last sick period. Soon, I'm gonna be free.

Goin back to bed to be still and let the stuff do it's thing.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nausea back

It takes about 5 full days for the chemo withdrawl to hit. I've been devout with my Ondansetron and have felt very, very good up to this point. It hit this morning. I'm going to have to make this short. Still fightin' it.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Feelin' good on Tuesday Morning

I had a really good night's sleep last night. Phone rang at 7:30 this morning. Was a customer from Leesville. Had a good conversation. Took an Ondansetron tablet immediately after that and ate another bowl of cereal. I haven't been sick except for one very brief moment the day after I got off the chemo.

If I make it through this period in any kind of condition like I've experienced over the past few days, making the 25 day mark should be a breeze. I hope so. Last month saw me sicker than I've ever been in my life. That's why I'm being so careful not to overdo it.

Will keep ya'll in the loop. Feeling really upbeat about the abscense of nausea. Yeee Haaa.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 of withdrawl

I'm still a little weak but am not yet experiencing the old "hug the bowl" maneuver. Quite pleased about that. I have 21 days to go to my very last chemo period. Man, will I be glad to be rid of all that. This wasn't as painful as the brain surgery but it sure has lasted longer.

I recall roughly 6 weeks to heal from the trauma of the surgery but here I am still dealing with the agony called chemo. In any event, I've completed all of the chemotherapy except for the last one.

I've pretty much been staying in bed or on the couch since Friday. For some reason, taking those Ondansetron tablets and being still seems to keep the nausea down. On the other side of that, sometimes nothing more than standing up brings on the nausea. Ugh!

I'm hangin tough. Almost to the finish line.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday Withdrawl

I'm not nauseaous but I can tell that it's not far away. I made it through yesterday with no problem. A combination of Ondansetron and sleep is almost certainly the reason I made it. Today, even though I've had two Ondansetron tabs, I can tell that something is amiss. I'm not hugging the toilet but I'm staying close.

Hangin' in there and simply staying on the Ondansetron and staying in bed.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Chemo Withdrawl

I can't believe I haven't been sick today. I'm off chemo today but the withdrawl is awful and I know it's coming. I stayed in bed all day yesterday waiting on it and it didn't come. I slept until 11:20 a.m. today and it still isn't here. Hopefully a steady influx of Ondansetron will kick in and not put me through the same kind of horror that came last month.

Despite the fact that the doc says I'm 100% free of cancer in the brain, I'm still fightin' it and fightin hard. Just weak. Will keep you in the loop.


Friday, January 1, 2010

5th Day of Chemo

I've made it through the 5 day double dosage period of chemo without being really sick. From past experience, the next 16 days can be hell. I'm really staying on top of the Ondansetron because I don't ever want to experience what I did in December. Hopefully, it won't be as bad.

My energy gains have been sapped from the chemo and I typically don't even get out of bed for the day until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. It's just all I can do.

Really tired. Will keep ya'll in the loop.
