Tuesday, January 26, 2016

White Privilegeand other Stuff.

Somebody give me a hand. I didn 't notice any of that White Privilege when that draft notice came nor did I see any when the taxes were taken out of my pay checks. I also didn't see any when the grocery bill was due. It took cash back then.

Now, we have one of the most privileged guys around saying "No muslims allowed". I've done a lot of thinking about that. Yesterday, while I watching a program about the American Revolution, the light bulb came on. They showed the British Navy closing the port of Boston in an attempt to put every merchant in Boston out of business. With all the talk of the Gruntlicks messing with the price of oil and the world economy, I wondered if any of them had studied the results of the Boston Tea Party. I concluded that they haven't.

I also concluded that they don't have a clue what the typical American Patriot is capable of doing to them should they elect to duplicate anything that the British did during the 1700s. Whether you call them Patriots, Red Necks, Bubbas or Hill Billys, makes no difference. They all have the same abilities. Add to that group the 22 million Veterans and I think you will find the answer to a non responsive policy that doesn't do anything to send the donkey lovers back to the sand. Ask the people you know that belong to that group. Collectively, we are pissed and if anything like the Paris attacks or the rape of German women happens here, their asses belong to us. It always has and history clearly shows that to be true. We've had to do it many times before and, as I see it, here we are again.

Churchill said: "Any enemy of our enemy is our friend". He was referring to Stalin. Now, we have Vladamir Putin. Personally speaking, if the League of Nations or the United Nations worked, we would have already stopped all the madness. China, Russia and the United States should have already joined forces, ejected the Gruntlicks from the U.N. and taken matters in their own hands. Come on. If the Japs can walk out of the League of Nations just before Pearl Harbor, why can't we?

If something doesn't happen pretty soon, we will be sorry that we waited so long to bulk up and get ready. We need somebody to lead that movement. They should not be of Gruntlick heritage. I would be much more comfortable hearing about President Donald or President Ted that President Monica. Ooops. I had a mind flash on that. I saw a bumper sticker on the net that said: "I will not vote for Monica's boyfriend's wife.

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