Friday, May 30, 2014

Today's Lesson in: "How The Hell Did That Happen".

I had my chance to deliver a brief speech on "Logic" yesterday. I did that at the VA in Shreveport. I chose Logic as my answer to a previous question regarding the anger that a lot of Veterans feel about the issues in our Country that are sensitive to most of them.

One of the many questions that stimulated this discussion surrounded the never ending questions that ask:

1. "Why don't Veterans want to talk about their feelings".
2. "What do you think the underlying reason is for all this anger".
3. "What hidden agenda do you think Veterans have about today's circumstances".

Initially, I spoke about the penalty one has to pay if you say something that is not viewed as Kosher. Some of the guys have been pretty vocal about their thoughts but the manner that they used to solve their frustrations was so far out of line they ended up on the 9th floor, if you know what I mean.

Oddly enough, one of the main complaints has to do with immigration. That overflowed into a million things that have produced a negative effect with the budget at the VA and the resulting under staffing and under-equipped condition that exists there now. They talk about the expense of housing the illegals in prison, the money it costs to feed them, pay for their medical expenses, especially anchor babies and the pollution of our society as a whole. I don't even want to go to the threat of "No Go Zones" that are being discussed in a couple of our cities.

Using Logic as my answer, I gave the following account of history to use as an example of what Veterans expect when we are attacked. Whether that be an invasion from millions of illegals walking across the border, a military assault or a terrorist attack, they view it the same way.

With that, I started out with the date December 7th, 1941. I said that everybody recognizes that date. I then pointed out that many Americans don't know what happened in April of 1942 which was only 4 months and a few day later. Despite April not ringing a bell, everybody has heard of the Doolittle Raid. That's right, a short time after Pearl Harbor, we bombed Tokyo.

I left April and went to June. That's only 6 months and change after Pearl Harbor. That's when the Battle of Midway took place and we literally knocked their socks off.

When I finished with the Battle of Midway I went to August and the amphibious assault made when we decided to take Guadalcanal.

The point I was wanting to make had to do with the expectations that Veterans have whenever "Their Country" is assaulted or attacked in any way, shape, form or fashion. I connected the 4 month time frame of the Doolittle Raid with the lack of action after the Twin Towers fell.

During one of the conversations I overheard between two older Veterans, when I was outside of the hospital in the break area, surrounded the notion that we should have immediately deported all Muslims.

Oddly enough, one of the guys mentioned something about the internment of all Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor and the conversation seemed to simply stop at that point. I wanted to argue that the situation isn't the same as the Japanese weren't all believing the same thing as Tojo and his group were and the terrorists do.

Now, with more and more Veterans coming in from Afghanistan and the Iraq War, the perspective has changed. I say that it's changed in a good way.

They're still talking about the September 11th attack in Benghazi, something that seems to be missing in the conversations among the media or the Department of State. I'm not sure how deporting all the Muslims, immediately after the Twin Towers fell, would have changed Benghazi but I still liked their idea.

In any event, I only had an hour to present my concept of using "Logic" as an explanation of why so many Veterans are pissed off. At the end of that session I offered to debate anyone in the hospital, Veteran, Doctor or staff member. I'm certain that won't go anywhere but I wanted to let you guys know that I made the offer. GIVE EM HELL, VETS.

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