Monday, February 16, 2015

Hate Crime? I don't think so.

I recently heard about the shooting of 3 Muslim students in North Carolina, I think it was North Carolina but I really don't think it matters where. Later on that night, when I was watching the news, I heard the words "Hate Crime". I was wondering what kind of idiot put "Hate" with "Crime" and connected that with "Muslim" and "Shooting"?  Gimme a break on this one and allow me to lay out a thing or two.

When a Muslim shot a group of guys at Ft. Hood, that wasn't a Hate Crime. They called it "Workplace Violence". If that's the case, why in the hell don't they call this School Yard Violence? C'mon now, it wasn't work, it was a college campus. I'm thinking it's more of that political correctness bidness I've been raising hell about. With those thoughts, I began to think about my Uncles that fought in the second world war.

Let's start with my cousin, Greg Crafts. His daddy had a brother named Joe that went to Morris School in Arkansas, when he was a kid. That's the same place that Greg and I went when we were kids. From that, I figured we had a similar back ground. Same school, same classrooms, some of the same teachers, same church house.

Uncle Joe fought against the Afrika Corp during the second world war and was captured by Muslims who turned him over to the Nazi dogs that were fighting for Rommel. He spent the rest of the war in a POW camp and barely made it home alive. From that, Uncle Joe developed a Shit List that had Muslims, Germans, Krauts, Nazis and many others in it. I'm pretty sure he had Nips, Slopes and Japs in it even though he didn't have to fight them. I don't think there was any such thing as political correctness back then because all of my Uncles used those words as well as "assholes, killers, maniacs and lunatics".

Over the long list of Uncles I had, Uncle Parker, Uncle Morris Ray, Uncle Earl, and Uncle Wayne, all had some choice names for those that they fought. That was the Second World War. Later on, we learned about Zipper Heads from Korea and Leland and I learned first hand about Dinks from Vietnam. Later still, we learned about Donkey lovers, Goat humpers and Camel Jockies. Now, all of a sudden, you can't say things like that because it's not politically correct.

I would like to announce that I'm not running for political office of any kind and my new motto is "Screw Political Correctness". Steve and I talked about having Sondra make some tee shirts with that on the front so if you want some, send me a note and I'll get to work on it.

I'm prepared to explain the reasons behind all of these killings but I want to do that under a separate title and will probably begin on that this afternoon, tonight or tomorrow. You will be shocked to learned what I've found out. Stand by.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Required Viewing List.

Most of you will remember the required reading list from your days in high school. War and Peace, The Scarlet Letter and on and on. Well, I have a required viewing list. I think that everybody should be required to watch the video of ISIS burning to death, the captured pilot they had in their hands.

I'm not saying it should be played in the kindergartens just after morning recess but I am saying that you should not be given a high school diploma, a drivers license or a voter registration card unless you view it.

This business of not warning the American people of what's coming and, in fact, what is already here, is bullshit. I remember seeing lots of pictures of the Nazi Death Camps long before I ever went to Vietnam. I'm not saying the North Vietnamese were as bad as the Hitlerites but they did many of the same things that his followers did during the occupation of Hue and many other places during their Tet Offenses.

I watched it the day after it was announced and in doing so, I had many mixed emotions. It reminded me of seeing the Buddist Monk burning himself to death during the War in Vietnam. From that standpoint, it seemed to be just another case of a human burning to death. On the other hand, that was a self inflicted death as the ISIS situation was advertised and filmed. They did it on purpose and after all these years of the same old shit, FINALLY some of the other Middle Eastern Countries are standing up to them. This is the first time that I recall that happening.

This madness has been going on forever or at least since the year 600 or so. With that in mind, don't you think it's been repetitious enough for us to figure out what to do about it? I've heard talk about massive deportations but the libs would NEVER allow that to happen. I've always thought that there could be no problems with Muslims here if there weren't any Muslims here at all. Seems pretty simple to me. The Libs don't like that either so maybe we should say "Nobody belonging to groups of murderers will be allowed to live here".

In any event, if you haven't already done so, try to go on line and dig up the video of them burning the pilot. I assure you, it will be educational and when you do so, at least you can say : "I KNOW".
At least you'll know it isn't pig blood that brings about the worst reaction. It's fire.